Færsluflokkur: Gyðingahatur
12.4.2023 | 11:37
Sjúklega svæsinn gyðingahatari er vinsæll á Moggablogginu
Þann 3. apríl sl. birti ég hér á þessu bloggi, sem og á Moggabloginu Fornleifi, grein um bloggsíðu íslensk sálfræðings, Arnars Sverrissonar, sem síendurtekur hatursræðu af þeirri gerð sem varðar við íslensk hegningarlög. Í þessu tilfelli var hatursræðan gyðingahatur.
Ég hafði samband við umsjónarmann bloggsins, sem ekki svaraði erindi mínu. Í ljós kom að nýr maður sér nú um bloggið og virðist hafa aðrar áherslur en forverar hennar. Gagnrýni á blaðamenn Morgunblaðsins er t.d. ekki leyfð án ákveðinna aðgerða.
Síðan ég ritaði um hatursræðu á bloggi Arnars Sverrissona, hafa aðrir lýst furðu sinni á hatri bloggs hans - og að það sé yfirleitt mögulegt að dreifa gyðingahatri af verstu gerð á blog.is. Þeirra á meðal var hinn dómharði Egill Helgason. Já, jafnvel frjálslyndustu menn geta fengið nóg.
Blogg geta verið vandmeðfarið verkfæri. Hins vegar er það gífurlega gefandi, ef fólk heldur sig frá að nota þennan ágæta vettvang sem frjáls fjölmiðill á Íslandi veitir fólki, til að tjá hatursfullar skoðanir sínar. Fáir eru sammála um alla hluti, en hatur er ekki umræða. Hatur er andleg uppgjöf.
Sumt fólk getur þó greinilega ekki tjáð sig nema með hatri og ofstæki. Slíkt fólk þarf að ráðast á minnihlutahópa í þjóðfélaginu, líkt og Arnar Helgason gerir, er hann svínar gyðinga til - eða þegar hann hraunar yfir fólk með aðra kynímynd en þessa gömlu góðu með tveimur kynjum, sem lifa í ólýsanlegri lukku til æviloka og nota aðeins eina stellingu - fyrir jólatréð sitt.
Sem ábyrgðarmaður tveggja blogga á Moggablogginu, langar mig hér opinberlega og vinsamlegast að biðja umsjónarmann blog.is að kynna sér hatursræðuna á bloggi Arnars Helgasonar. Arnar sér greinilega ekki, að hann geri nokkuð rangt. Ég vona að umsjónamaðurinn geri sér grein fyrir því að margt af því sem Arnar hefur skrifað að undanförnu varðar örugglega við hegningarlög.
Kannski er gyðingahatrið sem leyfist á Moggablogginu birtingarmynd einhvers, sem nú gerjast í íslensku þjóðfélagi, en ég trúi því og treysti að lögbrot þau, sem Arnar Sverrisson fær að stunda á blogginu, séu ekki almennt talin vera eðlileg umræða á Morgunblaðinu. Mæli ég með því að umsjónarmaður bloggsins hafi samband við lögfræðinga fjölmiðilsins og leiti ráða hjá þeim ef hún er í vafa um lagalegu hliðina.
Blog.is er vissulega litskrúðugur garður sem flestir eru þakklátir fyrir. En því miður er farið að bera á ofvexti á hægri öfgum og af og til á mikilli blómstrun á hatursrósum. Kannski er það það sem Morgunblaðið óskar í þjóðfélaginu á 21. öld?
Davíð, þú reddar þessu.
Gyðingahatur | Breytt s.d. kl. 11:43 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
8.3.2019 | 04:52
Nú ætti Imba að vinna vinnuna sína...
En kammerat-kommíssar Ingibjörg Sólrún Gísladóttir gerir ekkert (sjá hér).
Gyðingahatur, eins og það sem rumpulýður í Belgíu leikur sér að rétt fyrir framan fordyrið á ESB, kallar á tafarlausar aðgerðir.
En allir þegja. Evrópumönnum er augljóslega aftur farið að langa í blóð. Imba hjá ODIHR styður HAMAS eins og allir vita. Við hverju er að búast? Það er líka til rumpulýður á Íslandi.
4.5.2018 | 07:50
Þegar þjóðkirkjan birtir hatur
Eftirfarandi málsgrein birtist í Árbók Kirkjunnar 2015-2016
Gyðingahatur er þekkt fyrirbæri sem menn passa sig almennt á og jafnvel stundum gengið heldur langt í að fordæma hluti sem gyðingahatur, en passa sig á því hvernig talað er um þau trúarbrögð. Nú, hvað varðar íslam, þá hefur það verið skilgreint sem geðröskun að gagnrýna íslam, kallað íslamofobia. Menn þurfi beinlínis að vera geðveikir að tala á gagnrýninn hátt um íslam.
Eigandi orðanna var einu sinni forsætisráðherra. Því hefði ég ekki trúað, vissi ég ekki að einhver sem heitir Sigmundur Davíð Gunnlaugsson skrifaði þetta þvaður. Skömmin er þjóðkirkjunnar að birta þennan ósóma og kirkjuþingi 2015 að sitja undir slíku mótmælalaust.
Sigurður Davíð kenndi einnig gyðingum um fall sitt úr embætti forsætisráðherra eins og margfrægt er orðið. Sjá t.d. hér.
Skömm sé þjóðkirkjunni á Íslandi að birta þetta moð, og ekki síður Alþingi að hafa ekki enn úthýst þessum siðlausa furðufugli íslenskra stjórnmála. Það sem hann hefur gert sig sekan um er langt undir öllum stolnum hellum. Engin uppreist getur bjargað honum.
25.3.2018 | 11:42
Here comes the Circumcision Police
It is worth knowing that the now world famous anti-circumcision bill in Iceland uses the Icelandic word líkamsárás about circumcision of male children. Let me translate this word for you. Literally it means a bodily attack. Definitions like a bodily attack, molestation, child molestation etc. are widely used by anti-circumcision activist. Their primitive vocabulary doesn´t match their allegedly noble issue.
Despite of the rogue and misleading vocabulary of anti-circumcision activists and their often more or less anti-Semitic and Islamophobe supporters, the anti-circumcision bill in Iceland preposes punishment for circumcision of male children with up to 6 years in prison for those who might violate the preposed addition to the penal code, which they are trying to introduce to criminalize circumcision of a religious practice. Yes, I wrote penal code (the criminal legislation). This is not a law about a health issue and protection of children. This is a bill which criminalizes a religious practice of Jews and Muslims - which should be protected by the Freedom of religion acts in the Icelandic law and the constitution of Iceland.
Please imagine this scenario:
The Icelandic circumcision police enters the buildings, where Jews and Muslims live. See before you how their special squad runs up the stairs, brakes down the doors and apprehends the parents of illegally circumcised children, who are taken from their parents, while they are left in an Icelandic prison for six years.
Please apologize if your imagination gives similar images in you mind, to a Gestapo-raid. Do the people who propose the introduction to a circumcision ban into the Penal code of Iceland, realize what kind of horrors they might be afflicting on the the children, whose parents will be sent to prison because they wanted their sons to follow the religion and practices of their ancestors?
Some of you might now be thinking: He is pulling the Hitler-card out of his hat. But no, there is not magic hat nor a bag of tricks. I leave those methods to the opponents of religious circumcision. With my Gestapo-vision transferred to a stairway in Reykjavík, one might think I was Hitlerizing the opponent. Let me enlighten you. Mrs. Silja Dögg Gunnarsdóttir, the primary presenter of the anti-circumcision penal code addition in Iceland is a member of the old Icelandic political Party, Framsóknarflokkur (Progressive Party), which today is defined as a centre-right, populist and agrarian party.
Originally and traditionally Framsóknarflokkur was a conservative and nationalistic farmers´ party, the equivalent to similar agrarian parties in Scandinavia. This party was the most ardent opponent against Jewish asylum seekers in Iceland in the 1930s. The Framsóknarflokkur was the most active political entity in preventing Jews in finding safe haven in the country, even more so than the non-parliamentary Icelandic Nazi party. Gunnarsdóttir´s party caused the "NO", which Jewish refugees received as responses to their asylum requests. Most of the people writing to the Icelandic embassy in Copenhagen, or Danish embassies and consulates [who took care of Icelandic intrestes ] in Nazi Germany and Anschluss-Austria were killed in the Holocaust. When Jews, who made it to Iceland, like young Alfred Kempner did, was expelled in 1939, the officials who all were members of the Framsóknarflokkur wrote a letter to the authorities in Norway and Denmark, in which the Icelandic Police director wrote:
I take the liberty of requesting, that the [Danish] Police, if he might not recieve a residents permit in Denmark, takes care of his further deportation to Germany. The costs for occurring expenses by this will of course be taken care of here.
Hermann Jónasson (Framsóknarflokkur) the Icelandic foreign minister in 1937 told C.A.C. Brun, a Danish diplomat in the Danish Embassy in Reykjavík who was deeply engaged in helping Jews in Reykjavík, that he would give a one year extension to the residents permit for the Jewish family Rottberger from Berlin, but foreign minister Jónasson added:
It is a principal, Iceland has always been a pure Nordic country, free of Jews, and those who have come here in later years must leave again.
If one looks at the supporters of the anti-Circumcision bill, it is obvious that a small proportion of them have high values relating to worries about pain and side effects for a circumcised child. The wast majority of supporters, however (an this can easily be witnessed in public discussions in Iceland), are still thinking like xenophobes, just as Hermann Jónasson did in 1937 - about the pure Nordic race of Iceland.
Alfred Kempner, who came from Leipzig, in a Danish mugshot from 1940, when the Danes were trying to get the German occupants to deport him to Germany. The ilustration at the beginning of the essay is my vision of the apprehension fo Kempner in Reykjavík before he was expelled to Denmark.
The Framsóknaflokkur has never apologized for its anti-Semitic agenda in the past. They were also among other parties in Iceland who asked the American forces based in Iceland for decades not to bring black servicemen to Iceland nor those of Slavonic or Jewish extraction. They never came around to apologize for the partys´ racist views before some of their politicians again were involved in a disgusting anti-Muslim and anti-Mosque dialogue which pestered Icelandic public life few years ago.
Recently I spoke to my good friend Felix Rottberger, the first Jew to ever be born in Iceland, back in 1936. He was not circumcised in Iceland. There was no rabbi nor a mohel (Jewish circumciser) in the country. Felix was circumcised in Copenhagen after his family had been expelled from Iceland in 1939. Felix had heard about the anti-circumcision parliament bill in Iceland and gave me his opinion, when I asked him:
I am very sad that the same political party, which expelled me and my family from Iceland, is still trying to exclude Judaism in Iceland and thus preventing Jews from settling there - very sad
Felix Rottberger, who is now 82, with one of his daughters Iris.
Gyðingahatur | Breytt s.d. kl. 16:39 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (2)
11.3.2018 | 07:27
Mótmæli til Lettlands
Til að mótmæla dýrkun á nasistum og gyðingahöturum sem færst hefur mjög í vöxt í Eystrasaltsríkjum, hef ég ritað utanríkisráðherra Lettlands bréf, sem ég hef sent sendiráði Lettlands á Íslandi (sem hefur aðsetur í Osló) og beðið um að erindi mínu verði komið til Riga.
Hér efst sjáið þið Utanríkisráðherra Lettlands með utanríkisráðherra Íslands er sá síðastnefndi leiddi þing Eystrasaltsráðsins á júní 2017 í Hörpunni: Þar sem Ísland er með í Eystrasalsráðinu, ásamt löndum sem leyfa árlegar göngur nasista, tel ég mig til neyddan til að mótmæla og vona að lesendur mínir geri það einnig. Hægt er að senda mótmæli sín til lettneska sendiráðsins í Osló: embassy.norway@mfa.gov.lv. Þið megið nota mín mótmæli óbreytt, en setið ykkar nafn undir. Til að lesa ykkur til um hvernig Eystrasaltsríki leyfa göngur nasista og fólks sem afneitar helförinni getið þið lesið ykkur til á þessari síðu.
Dear Ambassador of Latvia to Iceland, H. E. Judite Dobele
Is it the new normal for Latvia´s foreign minister Edgars Rinkevics - a foreign minister in a EU and NATO member state - to publicly recommend for high honours a book that spews anti-Semitism and expresses understanding for various aspects of the genocide that all but wiped out Latvia´s Jewish community?
Mr. Edgars Rinkevics has recommend a new book on a pre war Latvian diplomat, Ludwig Seya. Please read here information for the reason for my question : http://defendinghistory.com/did-latvias-foreign-minister-just-honor-a-nazi-cheerleader-and-proven-antisemite/93928.
I certainly do not hope the recommendation of your countries foreign minister of a book that honours the ugliest form of anti-Semitism is the normal in Latvia. Annual Nazi marches in Latvia´s major cities in later years, where Latvian Nazi collaborators are praised as heroes is enough an insult to citizens of countries that supported Latvian independence in 1991.
As an Icelandic citizen, a citizen of a nations who supported Latvia´s freedom in 1991, I see Latvia´s foreign ministers praise of a book on a an Latvian anti-Semite as an strange attack on democracy and minorities. It is an act, which I hope the EU will soon realise is much too common in you good country. An anomaly which I think the Latvians could very well live without. When I supported your independence in 1992. I didn´t expect free Latvia´s politicians to praise anti-Semites who since 1998 gather in huge annual marches in major cities, and where former Latvian Waffen-SS members, neo-Nazis and other extremist, who praise murders of Jews and racism, gather on the main streets of Riga. I didn´t support such a state in 1991!
Dear Ms. Ambassador, please forward these views and my question to your foreign minister in Riga. I hope he will respond to my question. My views will also be published on different websites, where I will publish the response of Mr. Edgars Rinkevics if I receive one.
Yours Sincerely,
Dr. Vilhjálmur Örn Vilhjálmsson
An Icelandic citizen living in the EU
Gyðingahatur | Breytt s.d. kl. 10:00 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
1.2.2018 | 08:25
Silju er illt í typpinu
Nú skal vitaskuld látið vaða á typpin. Hefur Framsóknarflokkurinn ekkert annað þarfara að gera en að vasast í typpadýrkun og forhúðarást?
Ógeðfelld samlíking á umskurn drengja og stúlkna er það sem Silja Dögg Gunnarsdóttir ber hér fram. Flokkurinn hennar var einmitt sá sami og barðist mest fyrir því að hindra komu umskorinna karla til Íslands á 4. áratug 20. aldar. Hér er því ekkert nýtt mál á ferðinni. Hatrið er enn gríðarlegt meðal afdalakynsins á Íslandi.
Múslímahatur og jafnframt gyðingahatur sumra Íslendinga kann sér greinilega engin takmörk. Afkomendur fólks sem skar dýr á háls í gegnum aldirnar á Íslandi hefur líka látið banna trúarlega slátrun, sem er nákvæmlega sami hluturinn. Tvískinnungurinn uppmálaður og hatrið er svo hreint á Íslandi.
Morgunblaðið bætir um betur og birtir mynd frá stóraðgerð á kviðarholi til að sýna hve agalega hættuleg umskurn á drengjum sé. Myndafölsun, jú og ekki sú fyrsta í Morgunblaðinu.
Mikið er sumt fólk á Íslandi nú jarmandi frumstætt. Og hvar er hún Sema Erla nú? Samfylkingalaukurinn, sem heldur því fram að Tyrkland sé lýðræðisríki. Sema mun ugglaust verja forhúðina í nafni lýðræðis síns. En umskurn drengja kemur vitaskuld ekkert lýðnum hið minnsta við, hvorki Semu né Silju.
Þó að Íslendingar vilji halda sem fastast í leðursvuntuna sína og rækta hnakkost og vel valdar bakteríur undir henni, þurfa þeir ekki að banna öðru fólki, og menningarþjóðum, forna siði.
Tekið skal fram að myndin efst er ekki af typpi, heldur af Bubba og nýju peysunni hans.
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Umskurður brot á réttindum drengja |
Tilkynna um óviðeigandi tengingu við frétt |
Gyðingahatur | Breytt s.d. kl. 18:15 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (14)
28.9.2016 | 06:29
Dómgreindarleysi, vanþekking eða hatur Íslendinga?
" No Israeli Leader Was More Respected Around the World"
Þannig skrifar fjöldi fjölmiðla í dag þegar Shimon Peres er allur 92 ára að aldri. Hann hlaut friðarverðlaun Nóbels ásamt Arafat árið 1994.
Árið áður, í ágúst 1993, var Peres svínaður til þegar hann heimsótti Ísland. Hópur íslenskra stjórnmálamanna, þar á meðal Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson, Steingrímur Hermannsson, Eyjólfur Konráð Jónsson og Kristín Ásgeirsdóttur fundu ýmislegt því til foráttu að hitta Shimon Peres. Sumt að þessu fólki flaðraði síðar upp um Arafat eins og lóðatíkur á júlíkvöldi og gleymum ekki að sumir lærðu aldrei af mistökum sínum. Steingrímur Hermannsson, formaður Framsóknarflokksins, sem var sonur mannsins sem leysti "gyðingavanda Íslands" með brottvikningu gyðinga frá landinu, gerðist á tímabili talsmaður lygaherferðar Arafats (sjá hér). Fyrr í ár kenndi Sigmundur Davíð Gunnlaugsson, formaður sama flokks, gyðingnum George Soros um pólitískt fall sitt. Við getum talað um hefð í Framsóknarflokknum.
Davíð Oddsson og Vigdís Finnbogadóttir sýndu þó að í þeim bjó heiðarlegt fólk og tóku þau á móti Peres ásamt nokkrum öðrum heiðursmönnum. 500 manns púuðu hins vegar á Peres þegar hann kom út úr Stjórnarráðinu eftir að hafa hitt forsætisráðherra.
Ingibjörg Sólrún varði stríðglæpamanninn Mikson en sótti síðar stuðning fyrir setu stóra-Íslands í Öryggisráðu SÞ hjá morðhundinum Assad (les hér). Enginn samreiðarmanna hennar á Íslandi sá neitt athugavert við það. Enginn mótmælti. Hún taldi þó allt í sómanum að hitta Peres sem forseta Ísraels árið 2007.
Mogginn hafði árið 1993 mestar áhyggjur á að Peres tæki ekki upp mál Eðvalds Hinrikssonar, þar sem hann hefði ekki næg sönnunargögn. (sjá Moggann 21.ágúst 1993).Þau komu öll fram í dagsljósið og Eðvald Hinriksson (Evald Mikson) var eins og allir vita stríðglæpamaður sem myrti gyðinga og börn og fékk hæli á Íslandi í stríðslok meðan að gyðingar fengu það ekki í lok 4. áratugarins. Þannig mismunuðu Íslendingar. Þannig er dómgreindin í landinu. Gyðingar eru vondir samkvæmt flestum Ísendingum og eyðileggja fyrir frábærum snillingi eins og Sigmundi Davíð Gunnlaugssyni, og Íslendingar dæma ávallt rétt, bæði stríðglæpamennina sína og hryðjuverkamenn og íslenskir morðingjar eru vitaskuld allir saklausir og óréttlætislega dæmdir.
Shimon Peres á Íslandi 1993
Alþýðublaðið var helsti gagnrýnandi félaga Verkamannaflokksins ísraelska.
Gyðingahatur | Breytt s.d. kl. 07:21 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (15)
Nearly one year after terrorist Omar El-Hussein, who was a Danish citizen, killed two men in Copenhagen, Danish media reports that the Danish police has withheld information regarding the attacks. Omar El-Hussein had a miniature version of the Quran with gilded letters on his person when the Police shot him dead. Why the Danes and the international community were not supposed to know about this religious detail of the Copenhagen terror attack on 15 February 2015, until it is leaked out to the press nearly one year after the terror attack? That great mystery Justice minister Søren Pind and his former colleague Mette Frederiksen, who was the minister of Justice when the terrorist act was committed, now has to clarify to the Danes as well as to the world.
In the late 1940s Danish Police and Ministry of Justice did everything possible not to prosecute Danish terrorists of the Waffen-SS and other units who committed crimes against Jews and other European citizens during WWII. It is seemingly still impossible for Danish authorities to prosecute Danish war criminal at large. In fact Justice Minister Søren Pind has in a resent letter responding to the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Jerusalem, and which took him half a year to write, made it quite clear that Danish authorities are not really willing to clarify all details about Danish terrorism during WWII.
The pathetic tradition of Danish conceal continues.
How come Danish Police authorities hid the fact that a terrorist, who committed a horrific terrorist act in Copenhagen was carrying a copy of the Holy Quran?
We don't know, whether El-Hussein was carrying the Quoran when killing film director Finn Nørgaard (55) at a public meeting on Freedom of expression and economist Dan Uzan (37) in front of the Copenhagen main Synagogue where Uzan was volunteering as a guard during a bat mizvah in the Jewish community house behind the synagogue.
But might the fact that the Danish authorities were hiding terrorist Omar El-Hussein's Quran, reveal the importance of the Quran for modern day anti-Semitism and terrorism? Why did the Danish authorities hide El-Hussein's Quran from the public and the press?
Start talking Mr. Pind and Mrs. Frederiksen! Or are you going to tell us that if Omar El-Hussein had carried the full-scale edition of the Quran it could have protected him from the bullets?
Gyðingahatur | Breytt 11.2.2016 kl. 08:39 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
29.9.2015 | 07:04
An EU member state wants to dance in a Jewish cemetery, with some useful cover from Iceland, Lichtenstein and Norway
Earlier this year I expressed my personal views in an email to the Lithuanian Human Rights Monitoring Institute, where I urged the Institute to take serious action (or at least issue some minimal statements) against antisemitism in Lithuania rather than just maintaining a ghostly silence about such events as city-centre Nazi marches on independence day and the official state-sponsored glorification of Lithuanian Nazi collaborators and murderers of Jews. There are streets named for these perpetrators!
When my letter was published with some minor linguistic and stylistic editing in DefendingHistory.com, (see also here) the director of the Institute, Ms. Dovilé Sakaliené, who has done nothing as the institute´s director to actively prevent or even just to politely protest antisemitic acts in Lithuania (almost unmentioned on the elaborate expensive website of the Institute), reacted with a fiercely impolite email where she practically accused me of being an emissary of Vladimir Putin. She writes:
"... I have quite a good knowledge of the Icelandic human rights sector we have ourselves organized multiple meetings between Icelandic and Lithuanian human rights NGOs which resulted in beautiful partnerships whereas such behaviour as you have demonstrated simply does not fit with the picture of Icelandic civil society and their support and respect for the work that we do in Lithuania.
Let me point out that slander, accusatory tone and directing orders at an independent human rights watchdog reflects a poor understanding of the fundamental principles of rights and freedoms. Radicalism and aggression is not acceptable under any pretence, I may only hope that these words shall not fall on deaf ears.
We are independent of the State financing, my team works very hard to fundraise for the critically important legal and political advocacy work that we do - which is not less important than loud actions. We welcome all help that we get from citizens and organisations, however we do not take orders, this is not Putin´s Russia".
In this aggrssive e-mail, where my Icelandic citizenship is made into an issue, instead of responding to my criticism of the institute´s inability to react against antisemitism and Holocaust Obfuscation in Lithuania, Ms. Sakaliené defends the inactivity of the Institute she directs, by dismissing any criticism as orders, radicalism and aggression. She borders on indecency by linking me to Vladimir Putin, just because I allow myself to criticize antisemitic acts in Lithuania, regularly promoted by the Lithuanian government and the municipalities of its two major cities, Vilnius and Kaunas.
30 September 2015 conference on Antisemitism in Vilnius
Recently, I discovered that the Human Rights Monitoring Institute in Vilnius is hosting an international conference on 30 September in the Novotel Hotel in Vilnius, entitled Antisemitism, Radicalisation and Violent Extremism (See the conference program here). The conference is supported by the European Economic Area (EEA), an entity consisting of three Non-EU states, Iceland, Lichtenstein and Norway, which connect with the organizations of EFTA-states. Switzerland is also a member of the EFTA, but doesn't participate in the aids program of the EEA, whose goals are to give grants to reduce economic and social disparities and to strengthening bilateral relations with 16 EU countries in Central and Southern Europe and the Baltics. Although Norway represent 95.8% of the money spent on grants for EEA projects in EU countries, my home country Iceland which was financially ruined in 2008 by Icelandic banksters is obviously capable of aiding the fight against antisemitism. It is impressive and heart-warming to hear about the good will of small nations like Iceland and especially Norway, who are helping new EU States deal with the evil of antisemitism. Remembering the rather sad antisemitic history of Iceland, which the nation has never really dealt with (see here and here), and which can explain today´s vivid antisemitic hate speech against Jews in a country with hardly any Jewish population, I am impressed by the will of Iceland to support venues to help Lithuania solve its problem with antisemitism in all forms.
However, when I saw the list of participants, who will gather in the Novotel Hotel on 30 September in Vilnius, I realised that for the most part, the same old foxes are watching the hen house. Members of the Holocaust-revisionist Red-Brown Commission, who are the brains behind the Double Genocide movement, and which actually officially still supports the 2008 Prague Declaration are represented but not one critic of the Commission. It didn´t have a word to say when the state in 2012 reburied with full honours Juozas Ambrazevicius-Brazaitis (see here), the Nazi puppet prime minister who signed papers sending the Jews of Kaunas to their deaths. Is there no limit to bad taste?
I see that Professor Sarunas Liekis, Member of the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (CoE), is one of the key speakers. Prof. Liekis is one of the people, who made sure with slander and backstabbing that Lithuania lost its only Yiddish professor, Dovid Katz, who in fact was Mr. Liekis former benefactor and teacher. The non-Yiddish-speaking Liekis later was appointed a professor of Yiddish and director of the Yiddish institute at Vilnius University as reward for cleansing the institution of any who speak up for Jewish causes. When an antisemitic artist was exhibited next door, nine brave young Lithuanians protested, but not a word from Liekis or his institute or his human rights buddies whose main purpose is PR for the government in the spirit of the countrys right-wing nationalist sector. In 2011 and in 2015 Liekis missed no chance to trash his former academic mentor Katz (see here). He personally participated in the expulsion of the one Jewish professor from the Yiddish institute at Vilnius University, because that professor is the central figure of the local and international criticism of the antisemitic trends in Lithuania. Is Professor Liekis really the right person to address question of "Response by international community to radicalisation", when he himself as a Lithuanian official contradicts and categorizes any reaction of the international community against antisemitism in Lithuania as slander? When the conference does not invite a single one of the present critics of government policy on antisemitism which sadly includes gifting the centres of Vilnius and Kaunas for neo-Nazi marches on each of Lithuania´s independence days (Kaunas on 16 Feb, commemorating independence of 1918, and Vilnius on 11 March, commemorating 1990).
I also see among the key speakers Ms Faina Kukliansky, who since 2013 has been the chairperson of the Jewish Community of Lithuania. She will talk about "Contemporary forms of antisemitism in Lithuania". This is really interesting since Ms Kukliansky goes against all Jewish traditions and rights when facilitating the wishes of the City Council of Vilnius and the Lithuanian State, who want to build a $25 million convention hall right in the middle of the ancient Jewish Snipiskés Cemetery in Vilnius. She has been defied by many brave members of her own community, ranging from a Holocaust survivor to a young kashruth-supervisor. Her statements have shocked the entire Jewish world (see here). She just fired Lithuanias chief rabbi after he dared disagree with her and asked that people not dance and cheer surrounded by thousands of graves (see here). Luckily she cant fire the Vilnius Holocaust survivor who spoke out in The Times of Israel.
During my second visit to Lithuania in 2007, when I shot this photo of the Russian Sport Palace, I was told about the Piramont cemetery for the first time.
The Snipiskes cemetery, known as Piramont to generations of Vilna Jews before the Holocaust, was desecrated by the Soviets, when after WWII they built a Sports Palace in the centre of the cemetery, which goes back to the fifteenth century, and where hundreds of great Jewish scholars still lie buried.
The sacked chief rabbi wrote on his FB that the many historical Jewish figures buried in the cemetery would never have expected that the fate of their bones would one day depend on the cognitive processes of the head of a Vilna Jewish community whose heart would be filled with the desire to serve the authorities and find honour in their eyes,. Is Ms. Kukliansky really the right person to tell about the contemporary forms of antisemitism in Lithuania? Less than a year ago, the Wiesenthal Center took her to task for choosing a far-right nationalist Holocaust revisionist historian as main speaker for Holocaust Remembrance Day (see here).
A view over a small part of the Piramont cemetery in the early 20th Century.
Ms Kukliansy is clearly working for the authorities that want to convene, dance and drink on the location of the ancient Jewish cemetery. With the present tradition of honouring Lithuanian Nazi puppets and collaborators one might expect the Lithuanian authorities to later on give the centre an appropriate name after one of the so-called Lithuanian freedom fighters, who killed Jews without any assistance from the Germans.
Hopefully it will not be the case, but there is a clear danger that the Lithuanian Human Rights Monitoring Institute will on 30 September once again "talk" about antisemitism without addressing the problems of antisemitism in Lithuania, least of all its own steady silence over each and every incident that transpired. The institute according to Ms. Dovilé Sakaliené protests silently and obviously without saying anything else than what the Lithuanian authorities want them to say. That´s clearly how the staff secures its employment and funding.
Thus is the situation of Human rights in Lithuania. And to come back to Mr. Putin of the Kremlin, who director Sakaliené has befriended me with, it seems to me that Soviet traditions still are very much alive in Lithuania. Soviet rule has fortunately ended but the Soviet techniques and mindset remain even today when it comes to understanding that human rights watchdogs not affiliated with the governments gravy train have an important role to play.
A human rights institute, whose experts do not see the many facets of antisemitism in Lithuania, will of course not address any problems and rather react in a fiercely nationalistic manner when critical voices contradicting the official policies are heard. Such an Institute is not able to, and more likely not willing to fight the many shades of antisemitism which are a major problem in the EU-state of Lithuania.
I am sorry that my native non EU-country helps pay for such a misconceived and misleading waste-of-money roadshow in a European Union capital.
Gyðingahatur | Breytt 28.10.2015 kl. 06:03 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
25.6.2015 | 04:46
Hið vandmeðfarna tjáningarfrelsi
Bókabrennur, þörf fyrir guðlast og vanvirðingu og eyðileggingu menningar annarra er aftur komin í tísku. Allt frá eyðingu ISIS á menningar- og trúarminjum annarra til Íslands, er eyðilegging og vanvirðing á gildum annars fólks varin með tjáningarfrelsi.
Sjálfstæðisflokkurinn safnar eins og aðrir flokkar vinsældum með eflingu "tjáningarfrelsisins" (sjá hér). Í skjóli þess vanmeðfarna frelsis er hægt að gera margt. Saga Sjálfstæðisflokksins er verulega menguð af ógeði nasismans. Það virðist ekki horfið úr gróðrarstíum í Valhöll.
Nú á að brenna lögmálið - það er tjáningarfrelsi
Í Lundúnum ætlar frændur sannra Sjálfstæðismanna að þramma í gegnum hverfi gyðinga á laugardegi (hvíldardeginum) og brenna eintak af Talmud (skýringum á lögmáli Torah gyðinga). Nýnasistarnir hafa boðað þennan gjörning sinn þ. 4. júlí í nafni tjáningarfrelsisins.
Hof eyðilagt í "Menningar"byltingunni. Skurðgoðadýrkun kommúnismans þoldi ekki aðra guði.
Íslenskir vinstrimenn, trúleysingjar og siðmenntarfólk fagna vitaskuld tillögu sjálfstæðismanna um afnám guðlastsákvæða íslenskra laga. Sjúkleg þörfin fyrir ærlegu guðlasti hefur elt slíkt fólk í áraraðir. Ekkert hefur í raun hindrað gyðingafordóma og andkristilegt athæfi á Íslandi. Íslensk yfirvöld aðhafast ekkert. Andlegir frændur vinstrimanna hafa eins og kunnugt er líka stundað bókabrennur, skurðgoðaeyðingu, Margir vinstrimenn er til í að vernda þá sem eyða menningu annarra og tala um eyðingu þjóða, t.d. Isis og Hamas.
Mótmælum !
Vilji menn mótmæla göngu nasista þ. 4. júlí í Lundúnum mæli ég með því að það sé gert hér.
(Hér geta menn mótmælt Jóni Val Jenssyni, sem telur að hann geti lastað guðum annarra, en að hans Guð sé sá eini sem ekki megi lasta).
Gyðingahatur | Breytt s.d. kl. 05:56 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (3)
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