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Mótmćli til Lettlands


Til ađ mótmćla dýrkun á nasistum og gyđingahöturum sem fćrst hefur mjög í vöxt í Eystrasaltsríkjum, hef ég ritađ utanríkisráđherra Lettlands bréf, sem ég hef sent sendiráđi Lettlands á Íslandi (sem hefur ađsetur í Osló) og beđiđ um ađ erindi mínu verđi komiđ til Riga.

Hér efst sjáiđ ţiđ Utanríkisráđherra Lettlands međ utanríkisráđherra Íslands er sá síđastnefndi leiddi ţing Eystrasaltsráđsins á júní 2017 í Hörpunni:  Ţar sem Ísland er međ í Eystrasalsráđinu, ásamt löndum sem leyfa árlegar göngur nasista, tel ég mig til neyddan til ađ mótmćla og vona ađ lesendur mínir geri ţađ einnig. Hćgt er ađ senda mótmćli sín til lettneska sendiráđsins í Osló: embassy.norway@mfa.gov.lv. Ţiđ megiđ nota mín mótmćli óbreytt, en setiđ ykkar nafn undir. Til ađ lesa ykkur til um hvernig Eystrasaltsríki leyfa göngur nasista og fólks sem afneitar helförinni getiđ ţiđ lesiđ ykkur til á ţessari síđu.


Dear Ambassador of Latvia to Iceland, H. E. Judite Dobele

Is it “the new normal” for Latvia´s foreign minister Edgars Rinkevics - a foreign minister in a EU and NATO member  state - to publicly recommend for high honours a book that spews anti-Semitism and expresses “understanding” for various aspects of the genocide that all but wiped out Latvia´s Jewish  community?

Mr. Edgars Rinkevics has recommend a new book on a pre war Latvian diplomat, Ludwig Seya.  Please read here information for the reason for my question : http://defendinghistory.com/did-latvias-foreign-minister-just-honor-a-nazi-cheerleader-and-proven-antisemite/93928.

I certainly do not hope the recommendation of your countries foreign minister of a book that honours the ugliest form of anti-Semitism is the normal in Latvia. Annual Nazi marches in Latvia´s major cities in later years, where Latvian Nazi collaborators are praised as heroes is enough an insult to citizens of countries that supported Latvian independence in 1991. 

As an Icelandic citizen, a citizen of a nations who supported Latvia´s freedom in 1991, I see Latvia´s foreign ministers praise of a book on a an Latvian anti-Semite as an strange attack on democracy and minorities.  It is an act, which I hope the EU will soon realise is much too common in you good country. An anomaly which I think the Latvians could very well live without. When I supported your independence in 1992. I didn´t expect  free Latvia´s politicians to praise anti-Semites who since 1998 gather in huge annual marches in major cities, and where former Latvian Waffen-SS members,  neo-Nazis and other extremist, who praise murders of Jews and racism, gather on the main streets of Riga. I didn´t support such a state in 1991!

Dear  Ms. Ambassador, please forward these views and my question to your foreign minister in Riga. I hope he will respond to my question. My views will also be published on different websites, where I will publish the response of Mr. Edgars Rinkevics if I receive one.

Yours Sincerely,

Dr. Vilhjálmur Örn Vilhjálmsson
An Icelandic citizen living in the EU

JBH til Janis Jurkans

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Vilhjálmur Örn Vilhjálmsson
Vilhjálmur Örn Vilhjálmsson



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