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Bloggfćrslur mánađarins, febrúar 2016

Two Norwegian artists stone a young girl to death


The Pacific Lutheran University (PLU) on Park Avene in Tacoma, in the great state of Washington, is such a peaceful place. Here the nice Scandinavian, Lutheran legacy has been cherished since 1890, when the university was founded by some great Norwegian pioneers. Hardly anything bad can be said about Scandinavian humanitarian legacy of the Nordic Lutherans, which is promoted intensively to predominately blond and blue eyed kids at the PLU.

A month ago, on 13 January 2016, an exhibition was opened at the Scandinavian Studies Department of the Lutheran University. It was entitled "Forgotten Nordics: Ethnic Diversity and National Narratives". At that exhibition one could see a photograph of a young girl, who was denied asylum in Norway in 2013. She was allegedly sent back to Iran, her home country, where she was killed - stoned to death. This was at least the information which the curator of the exhibition got from two famous Norwegian artists Hĺvard Vikhagen and Helga Bu. The curator's colleagues and all the guest believed the story, for what is bad in the minds of many Americans? Any Government for sure, and certainly criminal states like Iran, which undeniably have stoned women to their death until recently. 

Stoning is certainly a hideous acts, so unlike anything Nordic and Scandinavian, where women haven't been burned on the stakes since the 17th century and for instance Jews in Denmark haven´t been expelled by the Danish Lutheran Government to Nazi Germany since 1943.  Even the worst hate-crimes in Tacoma seem to fade in comparison to this horrific Norwegian-Iranian joint venture. What is an arson attacks on the local synagogue in Tacoma compared to a stoning in Iran.  The attacks on Temple Beth El, happened right after Sept. 11 and just before the Jewish High Holy Days. Someone spray-painted "Zionism plus U.S. equals 5,000 dead" on the parking lot (See here). One can just hope that such acts are not born out of the Lutheran mindset.

When I read about the exhibition and the refugee girl on the blog (also here; The text of the blog has been slightly modified since January 2016) of an American-Icelandic Scholar, who is now working at the Lutheran University in California, I could not recall any incidence in Norway, where an Iranian girl had been denied asylum, and expelled to meet hear certain death by stoning.

I contacted the author of the blog 50/50, Elisabeth Ida Ward, and got in touch with the Norwegian authorities, who had no information on such an atrocity, committed in a joint venture by the Norwegian government and the regime of the Ayatollahs in Tehran. Finally I found the e-mail address of Helga Bu, one of the artist responsible for the photograph at the exhibition in Tacoma. I wrote her and asked who the girl on the picture was: This is Hega Bu's short response:


Dette arbeidet som fremstiller en ung jente er bare en illustrasjon.

Vi ville gjennom dette portrettet sette sřkelyset pĺ asylpolitikken.

Beste hilsen fra Helga Bu


Hi! This work, which shows a young girl, is only an illustration.

We wanted through this portrait to highlight the asylum policy.

Best regards from Helga Bu

There we have it folks. The awful truth was fortunately much nicer than the "reality" of the two Norwegian artists. They were simply working in the Scandinavian tradition of dark fiction, where the main issue is to blame everything bad in the world on decisions and policy in one's own part of the world - and the Jews too of course. The stoning of a girl in Iran after an expulsion from Norway was a simply a bad saga to fool the Americans. But it was successful, because everyone in Tacoma believed it. Didn't they?

Fortunately the girl in the picture, whoever she is, wasn't stoned due to a Norwegian expulsion, nor Iranian terror. She was stoned by two artists who believe that a cheap trick is a good way of illustrating for gullible Americans the "horrors" of asylum policy in Norway.

If anyone knows the girl in the picture, who was killed by art, peace and understanding, sometimes practised in Scandinavia behind a rather sleazy humanitarian mask, please let her know that the law in Norway and in USA makes her bound for a considerable compensation. Artists cannot go around stoning innocent girls to death without facing the consequences.

Ísrael lokar landmćrum, en ţađ gera Svíar einnig


Í gćr ţurfti ég ađ fara til tannlćknisins míns í Málmhaugum (Malmö). Eins og menn vita eru Svíar búnir ađ loka landamćrum sínum fyrir óćskilegu fólki. Fólki, sem flest er ađ reyna ađ bjarga sér undan villidýrum.

Í gćr fór ég međ lest og vissi ađ vegna lokana Svía lengdist ferđatíminn til Malmö til muna. Ég steig á lestina á ađalbrautastöđinni í Kaupmannahöfn og ţegar ég kom 15. mínútum og seint til flugvallarins í Kastrup, ţurfti mađur ađ flytja sig um set og fara yfir á brautarpall 1 ţar sem fór fram skođun á skilríkjum sem dönsk yfirvöld hafa faliđ illa menntuđu fólki og dónalegu frá Securitas ađ framkvćma. Ég sýndi íslenskt ökuskírteini og ţađ hafđi blessuđ konan sem skođađi mig aldrei séđ, svo hún notađi drjúgan tíma til ađ skođa ţađ áđur en hún tók mynd af ţví á gemsa.   Ég sá ađ hinir starfsmennirnir tóku myndir af öllum skýrteinum. Ég komst međ lestinni sem beiđ og ákvađ ađ taka ljósmynd međ gemsanum mínum af starfsfólki Securitas ţar sem ţađ var ađ eftirliti fyrir dönsk yfirvöld. Ţegar ég hef tekiđ eina mynd rćđst ađ mér lestarstarfsmađur af balkönskum uppruna og segir ađ ég mćtti ekki taka ljósmyndir á "hans lest" . Ég spyr hvađa reglur hann hafi um ţađ og biđ hann um ţćr, ţar sem ţćr seú ekki í lestinni á lestarstöđinni né á miđa mínum. Ţá fer hann ađ hóta mér ađ ég megi ekki fara međ lestinni. Ég bendi honum á ađ ţegar sćnsk lest sé í Danmörku gildi dönsk lög og dönsk lög banni ekki ađ mađur taki ljósmyndir út um dyr á lest. Ég bendi honum vinsamlegast á ađ ef hann hóti mér frekar muni ég kalla á danska lögreglu. Ţá hćtti kauđi (sem sést á myndinni efst) og lög hans og starfskonu Securtias danskrar sem var farin ađ skipta sér ađ voru skyndilega fallin úr gildi.

Ţegar til Svíţjóđar var komiđ var lestin stöđvuđ á lestarstöđinni í Hylie og ţar gengu um borđ 12 vopnađir, sćnskir lögreglumenn sem einnig vildu sjá skilríki. Ekki voru ţeir betur samrćmdir en svo ađ ţegar betjent Mĺrtensson, var nýbúinn ađ skođa skilríkin í ţeim hluta vagnsins sem ég sat, ţá komu tvćr lögreglukonur af ţeirri gerđ sem ekki stíga í vitiđ. Ţegar ţćr báđu aftur um skilríki benti hálfdrukkin Svíi sem greinilega var ađ koma úr safarífríi í Afríku, lögreglukonunum á ţess ofvirkni. Kallađi hún ţá á Mĺrtensson, sem stađfesti ađ hann vćri búinn ađ skođa skírteinin.

Enn ţurftum viđ ađ bíđa drykklanga stund vegna ákvörđunar Svía um ađ loka landamćrum sínum fyrir flóttafólki og öđrum óćskilegum ferđalöngum. Utan lestarinnar sá ég fréttaskjá á brautarpallinum, ţar sem fárast var yfir lokun Ísraelsríkis á landamćrum sínum. Ég hló innra međ mér og hugsađi: "Nu er du i Forbudssverige i det feuderale EU, Vilhjálmsson". Komu lestarinnar til Malmö seinkađi um meira en 30 mínútur miđađ viđ áćtlađan tíma. Brautarstöđin í Malmö var full af vopnuđum varđmönnum og lögreglu. Ţegar út var komiđ tók sćnskur veruleiki viđ. Betlarar frá Rúmeníu á hverju götuhorni sem gefa jafnvel hinum nískustu Svíum samviskubit eftir ađ ţeir komust í gegnum nálaraugađ.

Ég fór til tannlćknisins míns sem er gyđingur sem flýđi ungur Pólland ţegar stjórn Gomulka ofsótti gyđinga áriđ 1968. Viđ rćđum ekki flóttamannamál, ég og tannlćknirinn minn. Viđ ţekkjum löndin sem viđ búum í.

En af hverju fárast sumir íslendingar yfir ósk ísraelsks forsćtisráđherra um ađ vernda ríki sitt (sjá hér), ţegar vart heyrist neitt í fólki yfir "verndarstefnu" Svía?

Svariđ er einfalt. GYĐINGAHATUR.

Forsćtisráđherra Ísraelsríkis talar um villidýrin sem hann vill loka á. Ţađ fer líka fyrir brjóstiđ á sumum Íslendingum. En veit fólk ekki ađ í einu nágrannaríkja Ísraelsríki er ISIS ađ fremja ţjóđarmorđ og í öđrum nágrannaríkjum Ísraels er fólk sem hvetur til ţjóđarmorđs á gyđingum í Ísrael.

Ţađ eru eru kannski engin villidýr á Íslandi. En villidýr myrtu 6 milljónir gyđinga í Síđari heimsstyrjöld í Evrópu. Ţá var í ađalhlutverki verki siđmenntuđ ţjóđ, sama ţjóđin sem engill flóttafólksins, Angela Merkel, tilheyrir. Villidýrin leynast víđa.  Svíar lokuđu einnig ţá landamćrum sínum á gyđinga og opnuđu ţau ekki fyrr en ţeir leyfđu gyđingum frá Danmörku ađ komast til Svíţjóđar áriđ 1943, vel ađ merkja fyrst eftir ađ eftir ađ C.A.C.Brun fyrrverandi sendiráđunautur í Reykjavík, sem ţá var í Washington tilkynnti Svíum ađ Danir myndu borga allan kostnađ af veru gyđinganna í Svíţjóđ (Sjá bók mína Medaljens Bagside).

Mikiđ eru Íslendingar heppnir ađ hafa engin landamćri! Á Íslandi er ekki laust viđ ađ Íslendingar séu sjálfir verstu villidýrin, ţótt flestir séu sauđameinlausir.

Danish Police and and justice system are mocking justice - once again

Nearly one year after terrorist Omar El-Hussein, who was a Danish citizen, killed two men in Copenhagen, Danish media reports that the Danish police has withheld information regarding the attacks. Omar El-Hussein had a miniature version of the Quran with gilded letters on his person when the Police shot him dead.  Why the Danes and the international community were not supposed to know about this religious detail of the Copenhagen terror attack on 15 February 2015, until it is leaked out to the press nearly one year after the terror attack? That great mystery Justice minister Sřren Pind  and his former colleague Mette Frederiksen, who was the minister of Justice when the terrorist act was committed, now has to clarify to the Danes as well as to the world.



In the late 1940s Danish Police and Ministry of Justice did everything possible not to prosecute Danish terrorists of the Waffen-SS and other units who committed crimes against Jews and other European citizens during WWII. It is seemingly still impossible for Danish authorities to prosecute Danish war criminal at large. In fact Justice Minister Sřren Pind has in a resent letter responding to the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Jerusalem, and which took him half a year to write, made it quite clear that Danish authorities are not really willing to clarify all details about Danish terrorism during WWII.

The pathetic tradition of Danish conceal continues.

How come Danish Police authorities hid the fact that a terrorist, who committed a horrific terrorist act in Copenhagen was carrying a copy of the Holy Quran? 

We don't know, whether El-Hussein was carrying the Quoran when killing film director Finn Nřrgaard (55) at a public meeting on Freedom of expression and economist Dan Uzan (37) in front of the Copenhagen main Synagogue where Uzan was volunteering as a guard during a bat mizvah in the Jewish community house behind the synagogue.

But might the fact that the Danish authorities were hiding terrorist Omar El-Hussein's Quran, reveal the importance of the Quran for modern day anti-Semitism and terrorism? Why did the Danish authorities hide El-Hussein's Quran from the public and the press?

Start talking Mr. Pind and Mrs. Frederiksen! Or are you going to tell us that if Omar El-Hussein had carried the full-scale edition of the Quran it could have protected him from the bullets?




Vilhjálmur Örn Vilhjálmsson
Vilhjálmur Örn Vilhjálmsson



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