Bloggfærslur mánaðarins, september 2015
29.9.2015 | 07:04
An EU member state wants to dance in a Jewish cemetery, with some useful cover from Iceland, Lichtenstein and Norway
Earlier this year I expressed my personal views in an email to the Lithuanian Human Rights Monitoring Institute, where I urged the Institute to take serious action (or at least issue some minimal statements) against antisemitism in Lithuania rather than just maintaining a ghostly silence about such events as city-centre Nazi marches on independence day and the official state-sponsored glorification of Lithuanian Nazi collaborators and murderers of Jews. There are streets named for these perpetrators!
When my letter was published with some minor linguistic and stylistic editing in, (see also here) the director of the Institute, Ms. Dovilé Sakaliené, who has done nothing as the institute´s director to actively prevent or even just to politely protest antisemitic acts in Lithuania (almost unmentioned on the elaborate expensive website of the Institute), reacted with a fiercely impolite email where she practically accused me of being an emissary of Vladimir Putin. She writes:
"... I have quite a good knowledge of the Icelandic human rights sector we have ourselves organized multiple meetings between Icelandic and Lithuanian human rights NGOs which resulted in beautiful partnerships whereas such behaviour as you have demonstrated simply does not fit with the picture of Icelandic civil society and their support and respect for the work that we do in Lithuania.
Let me point out that slander, accusatory tone and directing orders at an independent human rights watchdog reflects a poor understanding of the fundamental principles of rights and freedoms. Radicalism and aggression is not acceptable under any pretence, I may only hope that these words shall not fall on deaf ears.
We are independent of the State financing, my team works very hard to fundraise for the critically important legal and political advocacy work that we do - which is not less important than loud actions. We welcome all help that we get from citizens and organisations, however we do not take orders, this is not Putin´s Russia".
In this aggrssive e-mail, where my Icelandic citizenship is made into an issue, instead of responding to my criticism of the institute´s inability to react against antisemitism and Holocaust Obfuscation in Lithuania, Ms. Sakaliené defends the inactivity of the Institute she directs, by dismissing any criticism as orders, radicalism and aggression. She borders on indecency by linking me to Vladimir Putin, just because I allow myself to criticize antisemitic acts in Lithuania, regularly promoted by the Lithuanian government and the municipalities of its two major cities, Vilnius and Kaunas.
30 September 2015 conference on Antisemitism in Vilnius
Recently, I discovered that the Human Rights Monitoring Institute in Vilnius is hosting an international conference on 30 September in the Novotel Hotel in Vilnius, entitled Antisemitism, Radicalisation and Violent Extremism (See the conference program here). The conference is supported by the European Economic Area (EEA), an entity consisting of three Non-EU states, Iceland, Lichtenstein and Norway, which connect with the organizations of EFTA-states. Switzerland is also a member of the EFTA, but doesn't participate in the aids program of the EEA, whose goals are to give grants to reduce economic and social disparities and to strengthening bilateral relations with 16 EU countries in Central and Southern Europe and the Baltics. Although Norway represent 95.8% of the money spent on grants for EEA projects in EU countries, my home country Iceland which was financially ruined in 2008 by Icelandic banksters is obviously capable of aiding the fight against antisemitism. It is impressive and heart-warming to hear about the good will of small nations like Iceland and especially Norway, who are helping new EU States deal with the evil of antisemitism. Remembering the rather sad antisemitic history of Iceland, which the nation has never really dealt with (see here and here), and which can explain today´s vivid antisemitic hate speech against Jews in a country with hardly any Jewish population, I am impressed by the will of Iceland to support venues to help Lithuania solve its problem with antisemitism in all forms.
However, when I saw the list of participants, who will gather in the Novotel Hotel on 30 September in Vilnius, I realised that for the most part, the same old foxes are watching the hen house. Members of the Holocaust-revisionist Red-Brown Commission, who are the brains behind the Double Genocide movement, and which actually officially still supports the 2008 Prague Declaration are represented but not one critic of the Commission. It didn´t have a word to say when the state in 2012 reburied with full honours Juozas Ambrazevicius-Brazaitis (see here), the Nazi puppet prime minister who signed papers sending the Jews of Kaunas to their deaths. Is there no limit to bad taste?
I see that Professor Sarunas Liekis, Member of the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (CoE), is one of the key speakers. Prof. Liekis is one of the people, who made sure with slander and backstabbing that Lithuania lost its only Yiddish professor, Dovid Katz, who in fact was Mr. Liekis former benefactor and teacher. The non-Yiddish-speaking Liekis later was appointed a professor of Yiddish and director of the Yiddish institute at Vilnius University as reward for cleansing the institution of any who speak up for Jewish causes. When an antisemitic artist was exhibited next door, nine brave young Lithuanians protested, but not a word from Liekis or his institute or his human rights buddies whose main purpose is PR for the government in the spirit of the countrys right-wing nationalist sector. In 2011 and in 2015 Liekis missed no chance to trash his former academic mentor Katz (see here). He personally participated in the expulsion of the one Jewish professor from the Yiddish institute at Vilnius University, because that professor is the central figure of the local and international criticism of the antisemitic trends in Lithuania. Is Professor Liekis really the right person to address question of "Response by international community to radicalisation", when he himself as a Lithuanian official contradicts and categorizes any reaction of the international community against antisemitism in Lithuania as slander? When the conference does not invite a single one of the present critics of government policy on antisemitism which sadly includes gifting the centres of Vilnius and Kaunas for neo-Nazi marches on each of Lithuania´s independence days (Kaunas on 16 Feb, commemorating independence of 1918, and Vilnius on 11 March, commemorating 1990).
I also see among the key speakers Ms Faina Kukliansky, who since 2013 has been the chairperson of the Jewish Community of Lithuania. She will talk about "Contemporary forms of antisemitism in Lithuania". This is really interesting since Ms Kukliansky goes against all Jewish traditions and rights when facilitating the wishes of the City Council of Vilnius and the Lithuanian State, who want to build a $25 million convention hall right in the middle of the ancient Jewish Snipiskés Cemetery in Vilnius. She has been defied by many brave members of her own community, ranging from a Holocaust survivor to a young kashruth-supervisor. Her statements have shocked the entire Jewish world (see here). She just fired Lithuanias chief rabbi after he dared disagree with her and asked that people not dance and cheer surrounded by thousands of graves (see here). Luckily she cant fire the Vilnius Holocaust survivor who spoke out in The Times of Israel.
During my second visit to Lithuania in 2007, when I shot this photo of the Russian Sport Palace, I was told about the Piramont cemetery for the first time.
The Snipiskes cemetery, known as Piramont to generations of Vilna Jews before the Holocaust, was desecrated by the Soviets, when after WWII they built a Sports Palace in the centre of the cemetery, which goes back to the fifteenth century, and where hundreds of great Jewish scholars still lie buried.
The sacked chief rabbi wrote on his FB that the many historical Jewish figures buried in the cemetery would never have expected that the fate of their bones would one day depend on the cognitive processes of the head of a Vilna Jewish community whose heart would be filled with the desire to serve the authorities and find honour in their eyes,. Is Ms. Kukliansky really the right person to tell about the contemporary forms of antisemitism in Lithuania? Less than a year ago, the Wiesenthal Center took her to task for choosing a far-right nationalist Holocaust revisionist historian as main speaker for Holocaust Remembrance Day (see here).
A view over a small part of the Piramont cemetery in the early 20th Century.
Ms Kukliansy is clearly working for the authorities that want to convene, dance and drink on the location of the ancient Jewish cemetery. With the present tradition of honouring Lithuanian Nazi puppets and collaborators one might expect the Lithuanian authorities to later on give the centre an appropriate name after one of the so-called Lithuanian freedom fighters, who killed Jews without any assistance from the Germans.
Hopefully it will not be the case, but there is a clear danger that the Lithuanian Human Rights Monitoring Institute will on 30 September once again "talk" about antisemitism without addressing the problems of antisemitism in Lithuania, least of all its own steady silence over each and every incident that transpired. The institute according to Ms. Dovilé Sakaliené protests silently and obviously without saying anything else than what the Lithuanian authorities want them to say. That´s clearly how the staff secures its employment and funding.
Thus is the situation of Human rights in Lithuania. And to come back to Mr. Putin of the Kremlin, who director Sakaliené has befriended me with, it seems to me that Soviet traditions still are very much alive in Lithuania. Soviet rule has fortunately ended but the Soviet techniques and mindset remain even today when it comes to understanding that human rights watchdogs not affiliated with the governments gravy train have an important role to play.
A human rights institute, whose experts do not see the many facets of antisemitism in Lithuania, will of course not address any problems and rather react in a fiercely nationalistic manner when critical voices contradicting the official policies are heard. Such an Institute is not able to, and more likely not willing to fight the many shades of antisemitism which are a major problem in the EU-state of Lithuania.
I am sorry that my native non EU-country helps pay for such a misconceived and misleading waste-of-money roadshow in a European Union capital.
Mannréttindi | Breytt 28.10.2015 kl. 06:03 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
20.9.2015 | 12:20
Help build the Or HaTzafon Synagogue in Reykjavík
In memory of all the Jews whom Iceland closed her doors on in the 1930s, as well as those who were expelled from Iceland to Nazi-Germany - and honouring the few Jews who made it to Iceland, who never dared practise their religion due to prejudice in the Icelandic society, I seek support from Israeli based firms and others who support the state of Israel, asking them to support the building of the very first synagogue in Iceland, which I find appropriate to call the Or HaTzafon synagogue - The Reykjavík synagogue of the Northern Lights - Samkunduhús Norðurljósanna in Icelandic.
The numbers of Jews in Iceland is steadily growing. Jews with very different backgrounds settle in Iceland. Jewish tourists are also numerous in Iceland all year round. Seders and other religious gatherings have been held regularly in Reykjavík - in later years in co-operation with the Chabad movement. Now is the time for a synagogue in Reykjavík.
(1) Otto Weg (Ottó Arnaldur Magnússon) a refugee from Leipzig, who despite his Ph.D. degrees never obtained a job in his field in Iceland. The University of Iceland, which was lead by two Nazi sympathising deans took care of that (2) Hans Mann (Chanoch ben Zelig/Hans Jakobsson), nearly got expelled from Iceland together with his mother (3) Helena Lea Mann. Olga (Mann) Rottberger (4), Hans Mann's sister and Helena´s daughter was expelled from Reykjavík, Iceland with her husband Hans Rottberger (5) and two children.
In 1937 at a party in the Danish Embassy in Reykjavík the Prime Minister of Iceland Hermann Jónasson (1), said to a Danish diplomat in Iceland, C.A.C. Brun (2), who assisted many Jews harassed by Icelandic authorities: "It is a Principal issue, Iceland has always been a clean Nordic country free from Jews, and those who have have come into the country in recent years have to leave". The son of Jonasson, Steingrímur Hermannsson, was also a politician and a supporter of Yasser Arafat in Tunisia (see here) and Jónassons grandson, Guðmundur Steingrímsson, is the former chairman of the party Björt Framtíð (Bright Future), which was one of the parties which voted for the Boycott of Israel in Reykjavík. Also present in the Danish Embassy in 1937 was Thor Thors (3) who later became Iceland´s ambassador in Washington. With his speech at the UN assembly, co-authored with Abba Eban, he played an important role in the UN recognition of Israel in 1948.
Two of Iceland´s major authors in the 20th century, Guðmundur Kamban and Gunnar Gunnarsson were Nazis. Many Icelander are in denial of that fact. Here you can see Gunnar Gunnarsson leaving a meeting with Hitler in March 1940 together with Hinrich Lohse (with raised arm), the German who was responsible for the the ghettoization of the Jews of Latvia.
Remembering the victims of Icelandic anti-Semitism
Several families and individuals, who made it to Iceland as refugees in the late 1930s, were expelled from Iceland. The expulsions were ordered by the ministry of Justice and executed by the Reykjavík city Police, which in 1939 was lead by an Icelandic Nazi, Agnar Kofoed Hansen, who as a part of his training spent a summer in a SS-training unit in Germany.
Some of the ugly Icelandic racist faces of the past: (1) Björn Sv. Björnsson, a member of the Waffen SS, the son of the first president of the Icelandic Republic. He was rescued from prosecution in Denmark and lived many years in Argentina (2) Agnar Kofoed Hansen, an Icelandic Nazi, chief of Police in Reykjavík 1939. He received training with the SS in Germany (3) Davíð Ólafssson, a member of Icelandic Nazi Party studied in Nazi Germany (1936-1939) without obtaining any degrees; After WWII he was a MP and the director of the National Bank of Iceland (4)Nazis marching in Reykjavík. (5) Sigurjón Sigurðsson. Member of the Icelandic Nazi party. Sigurðsson was the Chief of the Reykjavik Police 1947-1985. Reykjavík´s Anti-Semitic history is not a new phenomenon.
Nazis marching in Reykjavík, a city with a dark past.
In the future the Or HaTzafon Synagogue in Reykjavík would be a proper way of remembering and honouring the victims of Icelandic anti-Semitism in the past and the present. A vibrant Jewish life in Reykjavík is the only way to fight the hate which has been burning in Reykjavík since Jews tried to find safe haven in this little/big city of Iceland before WWII.
(1) Karl Kroner, a Jewish doctor from Germany, who treated Hitler in WWI, was expelled from Iceland. He managed to get to the USA with his German wife and son. (2-3) Dr. Felix Fuchs and Dr. Stefanie Karpeles Fuchs of Vienna were expelled from Iceland. They fled to Copenhagen, from where they managed to sail with the last ship from Gothenburg in Sweden to the US, before Denmark was occupied by the Germans. (4) Alfred Kempner of Leipzig was expelled from Reykjavík to Copenhagen. The Icelandic authorities wrote to the Copenhagen Police that Iceland would pay for his further transport to Germany if that was necessary. These people survived the Holocaust but several Jews from Austria, Germany and Poland, who tried to get to Iceland, didn´t. They sent letters to the authorities in Reykjavík and the Icelandic embassy in Copenhagen as well as Danish consulates in Poland, Austria and Germany. They were denied help, BECAUSE THEY WERE JEWISH, but at the same time Iceland opened its doors to German and Norwegian workers. These Jews are the reason why there should be a synagogue in Iceland!
Why support from Israel?
Few days ago the Reykjavík City Council passed a motion which bans any use of Israeli products in the City of Reykjavík. The boycott was supposed to benefit the Palestinian people. When the City council realised that this sad and ridiculous move would hit Reykjavík harder than it would ever affect Israel, it was retracted for re-consideration.
There was a of course a great amount of hypocrisy of the Reykjavík city majority ruling. Therefore a building of a synagogue in Reykjavík with financial support from Israeli firms and organisation as well as organisations and individuals that support Israel, is important. What is more natural in such a free and understanding city like Reykjavík, to allow the building of a synagogue, where Jews can pray and peace can be respected.
Few years ago the Reykjavík City Council passed a motion which allows Icelandic Muslims to build a mosque in Reykjavík. That was a very understandable move taking into account that few extremist Muslims in Iceland, who fraternised with the US Embassy in Reykjavik, already had bought a house of prayer, where support to extremism is cherished. They were supported by extreme groups in Saudi-Arabia. The City Council of Reykjavík even donated a very good plot for the new alleged non-extremist mosque in Reykjavík. Allegedly support for the building of the first mosque in Iceland comes from the authorities and financial giants in Saudi Arabia. Such a mosque is of course necessary for all the Syrian refugees which Icelanders, who incidentally also are against circumcision of boys, ritual slaughter and Israel, now want to invite to Iceland.
Has anything changed since the 1930s? No, when Israeli products are banned from the small North Atlantic capital city, while some Icelander find it acceptable for Icelandic Muslims to chant Dammed Jews (Icel. Helvítis Gyðingar) at rallies, where there are no Jews but only Icelandic supporters of Israel, there is still a problem in Reykjavík. A problem, which will very likely only be solved by a synagogue in Reykjavík.
Support the building of a Synagogue in Iceland
All those who love Israel should support the building of a Synagogue in Reykjavík. The location for the Synagogue could easily be right in front of the Town Hall of Reykjavík, where there are free plots. Certainly one of them can be used to honour those who were victims of Icelandic Nazis and anti-Semitic Politicians and officials. A monument remembering the victims of atrocities committed by Icelandic Nazi policemen, politicians and anti-Semitic public figures could be erected beside the synagogue.
Please pass this on to those who financially would like to support a synagogue in Reykjavík. If support is found, a foundation would be created in Reykjavík, lead by a committee of Jews in Iceland and Israel and hopefully the construction could begin in the near future, aided also by the Reykjavík City council in the same manner it facilitated the planned mosque of Reykjavík for not to mention the Russian Orthodox church, soon to be built i down-town Reykjavík.
(1-2) While Jews couldn´t find safe haven in Iceland, an Estonian war criminal could. Evald Mikson (who adapted the the name Eðvald Hinriksson in Iceland) had a good life in Iceland. When Dr. Efraim Zuroff of the The Simon Wiesenthal Center in Jerusalem in the early 1990s asked for an investigation into Mikson´s crimes, Icelandic Politicians collaborated with Estonian politicians to halt the investigations. Left wing politicians, among them a socialist Mayor of Reykavík, attacked Israel and argued that Mikson was an innocent man and a victim of an Israeli/Jewish man-hunt. An independent Estonian historical commission has since confirmed the crimes of Evald Mikson. (3) Ruth Rubin, one of Mikson´s victims. According to witnesses she was raped by Mikson in a Tallinn prison before she was shot. (4 and 5) Jón Baldvin Hannibalsson, formerly Iceland´s foreign Minister and Iceland´s ambassador to the USA, as well as the Icelandic hero in the independence process of the Baltic States. Despite a high fall from his political podium after it became known that he had sexually harassed minors, this man is still a star in the Baltic States and regularly attacks Israel and Jews in the Icelandic media.
(1) Due to anti-Israel and anti-Semitic sentiments among the Left in Iceland, this is the most usual way of seeing Israel's flag in Iceland. (2) Former World Champion Chess Master Bobby Fischer, and a anti-Semite got a special Icelandic citizenship and lived in Reykjavík for the rest of his life spewing vicious hatred of Jews of the Internet (3) Sign in a bike-repair shop in Reykjavík saying Jews are not welcome. A caravan rental in Reykjavík also excluded Jews as their customers (4) The "bike-Nazi", who put up the sign about Jews not being welcome in his shop (5) During an anti-Semitic exhibition at a Reykjavík art gallery a young Jewish couple from the US discovered this drawing on a blackboard on which guests at the exhibition were asked to express their feeling about Israel. This perversion is also an Icelandic product.
Further Reading:
Gerstenfeld, Manfred (2015) Iceland´s Anti-Semitism is Not New, It Just Resurfaced. An op-ed in Arutz Sheva / Israel National News Op-ed. published 20 September 2015.
Vilhjálmsson, Vilhjálmur Örn (2004) Iceland, the Jews, and Anti-Semitism, 1625-2004, Jewish Political Studies Review 16:3-4.
Idem (2005). Medaljens Bagside - jødiske flygtningeskæbner i Danmark 1933-1945. Forlaget Vandkunsten, Copenhagen. (In Danish)
Idem (2015). The first Jewish services in Iceland 1940-1943. Fornleifur an archaeological and historical blog written by the author.
Zuroff, Efraim (2002). Operation Last Chance: One Man's Quest to Bring Nazi Criminals to Justice. See also here and here for correct information on war criminal Evald Mikson in Iceland.
Íslenskt gyðingahatur | Breytt 21.9.2015 kl. 08:00 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (1)
13.9.2015 | 12:08
Til varnar vondum Dönum
Ég dáist af góðsemi Íslendinga og yfirlýsingum þeirra um að vilja hjálpa og bjarga heiminum. Stjórnmálaflokkar sem á síðustu öld gerðu allt til að halda Íslandi "Judenrein", eru nú uppfullir af miskunnsömum Samverjum fyrir utan einstaka siðlausar blómasöludræsur sem vilja í staðinn taka réttinn af ríkisstarfsmönnum. Samtímis eru svo frændur vorir Danir ítrekað sakaðir um grimmd af íslenskum fjölmiðlum. Margt af því sem hefur verið sagt á Íslandi um afstöðu Dana til flóttamannastraumsins er þó illilega upplogið og skrumskælt og sýnir mér að dönskukunnátta og almenn málakunnátta fréttamanna ríkisfjölmiðilsins er af afar skornum skammti, og siðferðið örugglega rotið líka.
Tökum sem dæmi fréttatíma Sjónvarpsins þann 10. september. Þulurinn, sem enga sök á hér á, byrjaði á því að halda fram að Þjóðverjar hefðu þegar tekið á móti 500.000 flóttamönnum á þessu ári (kemur fram 1,25 mínútu inn í þáttinn) Þetta er hrein bábilja. Það er mér óskiljanlegt hvað veldur þessari ófyrirleitnu Þjóðverjadýrkun ESB-sveitarinnar á fréttastofu RÚV. En svo sá ég að hver stóð fyrir fréttinni, Gunnar Hrafn Jónsson. Þá er ekki að spyrja að því. Það eru siðlausir fréttafalsarar sem ekki getur lesið alheimsfréttir sér til gagns sem hnýtir slíkum lygum inn í fréttir handa auðtrúa Íslendingum. Lesið hér, hér og hér til að fá réttar upplýsingar um fjölda flóttamanna í Þýskalandi í ár. Hvernig Gunnar Hrafn Jónsson getur skáldað, að það séu þegar komnir 500.000 sýrlendingar í ár til Þýskalands, er vandamál RÚV. Menn sem ljúga að þjóð sinni í starfi ættu að leita sér að annarri vinnu, og er ég sammála blómasölukonunni um það.
Það rétta er að Móðir Merkel hefur sagt að Þýskaland geti tekið 500.000 flóttamenn á ári og jafnvel 800.000 í ár - en það hefur hún enn ekki gert. Íbúar og yfirvöld stórborga eins og München eru farin að örvænta. Þar eru um 60.000 flóttamenn, en margir þeirra voru þegar komnir árið 2010. Aðrar heimildir segja að fjöldinn sé miklu minni. Ýkjufréttamennska er nefnilega ekki aðeins vandamál á Íslandi. Fréttamönnum og blaðamönnum sem búa til fréttir fjölgar álíka hratt og flóttamönnum.
Það rétta er að Merkel býður fólk velkomið til að fylla þennan 500.000 manna kvóta drauma sinna. Þar fyrir utan lætur hún stóran hóp þessa verðmæta vinnuafls streyma að landamærum Danmerkur, þar sem fólk vill halda rakleiðis til draumaríkisins Svíþjóðar. Og hún gleymir líka öllum þeim þýsku ungmennum sem eru atvinnulausir. Halda mætti að konan væri komin með Alzheimer.
En skoðum Danmörku. Frá 1. janúar 2012 til og með 1. september 2014 tóku Danir á móti 5395 sýrlenskum flóttamönnum, fyrir utan alla hina sem fengu tímabundið hæli. Hvað gerði litla, góða Ísland á þeim tíma? Íslendingar töluðu um manngæsku sína? Þessir 5395 flóttamenn eru vitaskuld dropi í hafið miðað við þá sem banka á dyr Evrópu nú, en Danmörk tók samt fleiri flóttamenn en 15 þjóðir ESB samanlagt á fyrrnefndu tímabili. Minnumst svo þess að Danir eru 5.614.000. en Þjóðverjar 80.200.000. - og þeir síðastnefndu eru enn með vonda samvisku út af því þeir gerðu við þið vitið hverja... Það er billegt hreðjaspark hjá sjálfsheilögum Íslendingum að hnýta í Dani að mínu mati.
Vitaskuld eru ekki allir flóttamennirnir sem koma á Dannevang frá átakasvæðum í Sýrlandi. Erítreumaður einn sem danska sjónvarpsstöðin TV2 ræddi við sagði alveg blátt áfram, að hann væri staddur í Danmörku á leið til Noregs, því þar væri honum sagt að best væri að vera. Hann vildi annað líf en í landi sínu, sem lengi var átakasvæði. En hann hafði eytt því sem nemur um 10.700 Bandaríkjadölum til að ná til Danmerkur. Hvers konar maður á slíka peninga í Erítreu, einu fátækasta landi heims? Sjónvarpsstöðin sýndi einnig ungan mann sem hljóp frá járnbrautarstöð beint í danskan bíl sem beið hans. Menn hafa velt fyrir sér hvort hann hafi verið að koma heim úr stríðinu fyrir ISIS.
Merkel og hin góðhjartaða íslenska þjóð, sem vill banna umskurn og halalslátrun en bjóða múslímum heim til sín í svínafilet og SS-pulsur, verða að gera sér grein fyrir því að það er fyrsta farrými sem nú kemur til Evrópu. Menntað fólk, og vel í álnum, jafnvel fólk sem ber ábyrgð á glundroðanum. Merkel veit að hún getur notað slíkt fólk á atvinnumarkaðinn sem ódýrt vinnuafl til að þjónka undir æ stærri hópa öldunga á elliheimilum í Þýskalandi, þar sem ekki er nóg af ungu þýsku fólki til að sinna slíkri þjónustu (sem er vitaskuld lygi).
En getur þjóð eins og Íslendingar, sem brýtur allar reglur á erlendu vinnuafli sem hægt er að brjóta, boðið betri kjör en Móðir Merkel? Heldur íslenska þjóðin að fólk komi til Íslands til að láta brjóta á sér lög? Í fréttum gærdagsins kom í ljós að svo virðist vera.
Danir eru þegar búnir að taka yfir 9000 flóttamenn frá Sýrlandi árið 2014 og á fyrri hluta 2015. Danskir sérfræðingar eru hins vegar ekki eins vongóðir og Merkel. Ef við tökum þann fjölda og deilum honum í heildarfjölda Dana er útkoman ekki dónaleg fyrir Dana. Danir hafa gert betur en flestir og hlutfallslega miða við þá tölu, 160.000 sem ESB tala um að taka í ár. Merkel má vel yfirfylla kvótann sinn með framtíðarvinnuafli Þýskalands, jafnvel 800.000 einstaklingi í ár. Fréttir berast þó líka af því að sumum Sýrlendingum líki ekki að hýrast í gömlum herbúðum í Þýskalandi, meðan maður getur að sögn farið til Svíþjóðar og fengið íbúð í Malmö. En það er auðvitað ekki satt. Sælulífið í Svíþjóð, t.d. Malmö kemur víst sjaldan nema að menn gerist eiturlyfjasalar fyrir hryðjuverkaöfl í Bekaa-dalnum í Líbanon. Slíkt framtaksfólk kostar dönsk yfirvöld og danskt þjóðfélag mikið á hverju ári. Fyrrnefndur fréttafalsari RÚV reyndi fyrir nokkrum árum að tala máli glæpagengja á Örebro-svæðinu og gera lítið úr glæpum þeirra, líkt og Gunnar var talsmaður glæpamanns og morðingja á Íslandi Redouane Naoui sem hann taldi beittan kynþáttaofsóknum og hatursglæpum. Ég efa ekki að þessi fréttamaður telji dómgreind sína á háu stigi að hjarta sitt sé fullt af manngæsku og ást til lítilmagnans líkt og þegar hann heldur því fram gegn betri vitund, að Merkel hafi þegar í ár tekið á móti 500.000 flóttamenn frá Sýrlandi. En Merkel þarf á þeim að halda frekar en þýskum atvinnuleysingjum. Grikkir hafa eins og við vitum líka eyðilagt svo mikið fyrir Þjóðverjum. Allt kostar það.
Ég skil ekki gæsku Merkel, en best þykir mér samt, að gæska Íslendinga sé orðin meiri en fyrir tveimur árum þegar meirihluti þjóðarinnar vildi láta banna umskurn drengja (sjá hér og hér). "Mikill léttir, mikill léttir", hugsaði ég þegar ég heyrði af góðvilja þúsunda Íslendinga nú. Nú fara umskurnirnar sem íslenskir læknar vildu ekki taka að sér í gang aftur. Nú fara Íslenskir súperlæknar að gera gagn í aðstoð við nauðstadda með forhúðina á drengbörnum þeirra í stað þess að gera tilraunir á barka Erítreumanns með Signore Coltello (herra Kuta) í Svíþjóð. Batnandi fólki er best að lifa.
Ekki veit ég þó, hvort Íslendingum batni nokkru sinni versta sótt sín, sem er einföld heimska með háum hita, sem sýnir sig best í vinnubrögðum eins og þeim sem maður sér á RÚV!
Menning og listir | Breytt s.d. kl. 12:16 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (3)
9.9.2015 | 19:03
Stúdentar hafa of mikið á milli handanna
Það er ávallt gott þegar háskólaborgarar sýna okkur að þeir stíga ekki í vitið og eru engu betri, og jafnvel vitlausari en hinn grásvarti almenningur sem gengur í skóla lífsins.
Hvers vegna eru menn annars að þjófstarta bæverskri þjóraveislu fyrir miðjan september á stormskeri sem kallast Ísland, þegar slíkar Þjóðverjasamkomur hefjast ekki venjulega fyrr en í lok síðustu viku september?
Eru stúdentar orðnir svona háðir öli, að drykkjumennska þeirra þrýstir á? Hafa námslánin kannski hækkað?
Eins og menn vita, féllu heilu fjölskyldurnar í ónáð í Þýskalandi eftir stríð vegna glæpa karlpeningsins í fjölskyldunum. Voru þá þýskar kerlingar og meyjar úr slíkur blóraættum sendar út um heim til að hefja nýtt líf. Sumar þeirra voru dregnar til Íslands til að gagnast einsetumönum á Íslandi og margar þeirra breyttu koti í fallegustu býli vegna heraga sem þeim var í blóð borinn. Ari Trausti Guðmundsson var svo frakkur að kalla þær flóttakonur hér um daginn í athugasemd hjá almenningsálitstilbúningsmanninum Agli Helgasyni. Mér datt eitt andartak í hug að þær hefðu verið svo frjósamar, að undan þeim og íslenskum einbúum væri runninn heil sveit arískra drykkjusvola. Varla - líklega er bara allt of kalt að sitja í Lederhosen afa gamla í Þýskalandi í október á Íslandi og hrópa sinn stuðning við flóttafólk og Hamas þegar kominn er hávetur. Íslendingar eru fyrst og fremst eftiraparar og svo tilfinningalega samhnepptir að þeir komast ekki í stuð og geta ekki stundað kynlíf nema að vera ófærir um að aka.
Íslenskir námsmenn hljóta að vita að bjórdrykkja veldur offitu og alls kyns sjúkdómum nútímans og það er ekki nema að maður drekki Carslberg, að einhverjir aurar af sullinu fara til rannsóknar í lifrarkrabba eða öðru böli sem drykkja hefur í för með sér - í Danmörku.
Ég er alveg sammála formanni Flugbjörgunarsveitarinnar í Reykjavík, þegar hann varar við að endurskapa bæverskan öl-lager á mesta vindarassgati í Reykjavík. Stúdentunum væri nær að vera heima hjá sér og lesa lexíuna og fá sér smá Maltöl eða bland eða óáfengan pilla og naga með því harðfisk og söl. Sundlaugarnar eru líka ágætur staður til samveru. Meðan Mutter Merkel og Göthe stofnunin borga ekki fyrir svona útþýska menningu, er engin ástæða að eyðileggja heilbrigði þjóðarinnar með þessari siðleysu.
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Varhugavert að reisa annað tjald |
Tilkynna um óviðeigandi tengingu við frétt |
2.9.2015 | 13:01
Eru læknar hafnir yfir lög og reglur á Íslandi?
Tómas Guðbjartsson heitir íslenskur skurðlæknir sem mikið var í fréttunum þegar íslenskir læknar hótuðu sér til hæstu launa í sögu Íslands. Þessi sami Tómas hefur nú verið hreinsaður af sjúkrahúsi í Svíþjóð fyrir þátttöku sína í misheppnaðri skurðaðgerð, þar sem plastbarki var græddu í Erítreumanninn Andemaria Beyene sem stundaði doktorsnám í jarðfræði á Íslandi.
Tómas lýsti því yfir að "þungu fargi væri af honum létt, þegar sjálfsótthreinsandi skýrsla Karolinska spítalans í Stokkhólmi birtist fyrir nokkrum dögum. Þar var ásökunum Bengt Gerdins fyrrv. prófessor í Uppsölum um að ítalski læknirinn Paolo Macchiarini hafi framið brot afneitað með afar vafasömum rökum. Mat sjúkrahússins á sjálfu sér og starfsmönnum sínum er auðvitað ekki hlutlaus dómur.
Nils Eric Sahlin formaður siðanefndar hjá sænsku vísindaráðinu segir nú, að skýrsla Karólínska sjúkrahússins um barkaaðgerðir ítalska læknisins Macchiarini sem kynnt var í síðustu viku - sé skandall.
Íslensk siðanefnd verður að taka á aðgerð Tómasar og Óskars Einarssonar, sem unnu með Paolo Machiarini. Til hvers höfum við annars siðanefndir? Eru íslenskar siðanefndir bara til þess að sýkna lækna sem gera mistök og til að bjarga kollegunum fyrir horn?
Paolo Macchiarini er einn af þessum ítölsku læknum sem tekst að sannfæra allt og alla um yfirnáttúrulega getu sína. Við höfum séð þá nokkra, t.d. náungann Sergio Canavero, sem nú stefnir að því að græða höfuð á fólk - eða læknirinn Tullio Simoncini sem hélt því fram að hægt væri að lækna krabbamein með bökunarsóda. Þessir lassarónar eru fyrst fremst að hugsa um bankareikninginn sinn og frægðina. Paolo Macchiarini er nú orðinn frægur af endemum og samstarfsmenn hans einnig.
Ef siðanefnd í læknisfræði undir Vísindaráði Svíþjóðar telur ástæðu til að tala um skandal, ættu ábyrg, íslensk yfirvöld vitaskuld að hefja rannsókn á aðkomu tveggja íslenskra lækna sem unnu í samvinnu við Macchiarini. Ábyrgð meðverkamanna Macchiarinis er mikil og laun þerra eftir því. Hæstu launum fylgir ósjaldan mesta ábyrgðin! Kannski eru launin hjá þeim sem sitja í siðanefndum á Íslandi of lág til að nokkuð sér gert. Kannski dæma læknar sig sjálfir?
Vísindi og fræði | Breytt s.d. kl. 14:30 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (3)
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