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Fćrsluflokkur: Viđskipti og fjármál


Glotoneria Islandorum


Dr. Ţórólfur, er ţetta Ţjóđarsjálfsmorđ? Líklegast er ţađ nú ekki, en myndin hér af ofan lýsir ágćtlega ástandinu fram ađ grein ţinni, eđa er ţetta ţađ sem koma skal?

Ég er ađ reyna ađ koma frá mér bók um afdrif fjölskyldu í gettóinu í Varsjá 1940-42, sem byggir á fjölda bréfa til sagnfrćđingsins Stefans Glücksmans sem kom til Danmörku áriđ 1939 frá Varsjá en var síđar myrtur í Póllandi međ hjálp danskra yfirvalda, sem sendu hann úr landi af ţjóđhagslegum ástćđum. Danir eru alltaf svo nřje regnende.

Ég skammast mín dálítiđ, eins og Jónas Kristjánsson, fyrir ţjóđ mína, og líka ţegar ég leyfi mér ađ gera samanburđ á Íslendingum og gyđingum í gettói. Ţađ er óréttlátt gagnvart báđum hópum.  Íslendingar eru ekki í hers höndum og standa ekki frammi fyrir útrýmingu. Ţeir geta ađeins sjálfum sér um kennt ef ţeir gera ekki algjört eignarnám á eigum ţeirra sem sköpuđu vandann. Skuldir ţeirra höfum viđ erft, en lausafé ţeirra er veriđ ađ smygla burt úr landinu af kerlum og börnum glćpamannanna.

mbl.is Ástandiđ verra en ţjóđargjaldţrot
Tilkynna um óviđeigandi tengingu viđ frétt

Skađar kreppan?


Skađar kreppan frambođ Íslands? spyrja menn sig varđandi áformin um ađ sitja í Öryggisráđi SŢ?

Ţjóđ, sem ekki gat séđ um sitt eigiđ öryggi í fjármálum og vildi ekki hlusta á ađvaranir annarra ţjóđa, ćtti ađ hugsa sig tvisvar um.  Frambođ Íslands gćti gert kreppuna á Íslandi enn verri en hún er ţegar.

Ingibjörgu Sólrúnu heim og höldum henni ţar fram ađ nćstu kosningum. Hefja ber rannsókn á ferđaaukningu sendiráđa.

Tónlistahúsiđ er líka hćgt ađ frysta eđa nota sem frystihús til ađ geyma auđlindir okkar: tónlistalúđur, menningarţorska og ráđstefnulöngur. Viđ getum sungiđ og trallađ ţrátt fyrir ţađ.

Menn verđa ađ gera sér grein fyrir ţví, ađ ţađ er kreppa á Íslandi. Ofurhálaunafólkiđ er kannski ekki búiđ ađ fatta ţađ?

Hollendingar eru siđmenntuđ ţjóđ

Ţeir kasta ađ minnsta kosti ekki rotnum túlípönum í Íslendinga.

Landsleikur Íslendinga og Hollendinga í knattspyrnu fór fram í Rotterdam í gćr og töpuđu Íslendingar, eins og vera ber.  Hollendingar eru ánćgđir međ leikinn og segja ađ "gengi" Hollands hafi hćkkađ viđ sigurinn.



Ţessi ungmenni virtust vera međ einhverjar saklausar innistćđur hjá Íslendingum, og héldu á borđa sem á stóđ icesave 'n drama, Nederland saves 2day.

Annars er erfitt ađ finna nokkurn mann á bloggum eđa athugasemdum viđ fréttir um IceSave í Hollandi, sem sýna villimannseđliđ eins og andskotar eins og Gordon Brown, Alistair Darling og sumir Bretar sýna.

Fréttir De Telegraaf í gćr, hér  og hér, hafa fengiđ fjölmörg viđbrögđ og athugasemdir, en enginn er međ dónaskap í garđ Íslendinga eins og ruslalýđurinn í Verkamannaflokknum á Bretlandseyjum. 

Viđ verđum ţví ađ vona ađ ekki hafi veriđ logiđ ađ fjármálaráđherra Hollendinga, Wouter Bos, í Washington í gćr, eđa ađ eitthvađ hafi tapast í málahćfileikum íslenska ráđherrans.  Fred nokkur  i Arnem var svo ánćgđur yfir ţví ađ fá peningana sína aftur, ađ hann vill fá Bos fyrir forseta (Hollendingar eru minna hrifnir af kóngafólkinu sínu en Íslendingum).


How does it feel?


Now, when the Icelanders have been promoted into the ranks of the Hamas and Al Qaida, and Prime Minister Haarde is no more welcome in Britain than bin Laden, how does it feel?

Now, when a British Labour bully, with a Marxist past, finds a scapegoat at the eve of a financial collapse in Britain, how do you feel,  all you cobelligerents of Gordon Brown in Iceland, who have united with the Islamist revolution to give the Jews and the Jankies the blame for everything in the world?

Now, When Hamas and Iran explain the financial turbulence in the world with messages like these on their most frequented online message boards:

Jews are greedy, rotten slime balls."

"[Jews have] infiltrated Wall Street and Government and have ruined our country."

"They [Jews] love money nothing else, no faith or religion can be so heartless to their victims."

"That's how they work they short the stock all the way making billions and then cover it right up, sell and then taxpayers to the rescue and it is true all those institutions are ran by Jews ..."

How does it feel, to be a kind of a Jew all alone in the North?

How does it feel to read the memoirs of Baron Lard, Roy Hattersley, in the Guardian, when he writes? :

All Whitehall agreed that the Icelanders - the most highly educated people in the world - would respond to an offer of compromise. I was chosen to carry it to Iceland. I returned home full of sympathy for Neville Chamberlain - though, as compared with Reykjavik, Munich was a meeting of true minds.

Doesn't this sound like when the anti Semites blame the Holocaust on the Jews and compare Israel to Nazi-Germany?  The Icelander better be as stubborn as the British Labour Baron claims they are.

Those left winged hypocrite Icelanders, who drive around in their executive cars, dreaming about the "Role of the Icelanders among the nations" and the country saving the world in the Security Council of the UN, - how does it feel now to talk about your crisis?  When Jews only had 184 calories a day to live on in the Warsaw Ghetto, while you have a hospital system which can prolong your misery with brain surgery and instant cardiac relieve, what is a crisis ..... and how does it feel?

Our Guardian Angel



The heart-warming article by young Ben Murray, our angel at The Guardian, certainly gets him a free ticket for the Icelandic Airwaves Festival. Murray strongly advises Gordon Brown not to go to the festival in Iceland.  Is that necessary?  I would have imagined that Brown and Darling fancied more the Wet Kilt Contest at the Crannóg Inn in Lochlabour near Glen Crushmore Bollocks, which is to be held at the same time as Icelandic Airwaves.

Icelandic Prime, Geir H. Haarde, is a wimp. The Haarders actually don't come any softer. Haarde should have been as vicious towards the Icelandic finance wunderboys, as Brown is towards the Icelanders.

Iceland has laws and legislations which are far superior to the medieval British law codex. Why not use it to ground, investigate, prosecute, sentence and hang (sorry, that is a British custom) the main cause of the crisis in Iceland: the swindlers and conmen presently at large?

Why isn't Prime Minister Haarde hacking up the roots of the weeds, like any sensible leader would do, although not with the primitive Stone Age tools of Gordon Brown and his cronies?

Well, Haarde has always been soft on the Icelandic finance wunderkinds. He believed in their powerful propaganda, and probably they have been filling lot of people's pillows with firm and steady currency for the past years, which prevents any action in the present situation except for pointless sleep walking.

Skrítin frétt

Ţćr skýringar sem Danske Bank gefur Mbl.is eru ekki sömu skýringarnar og ég fékk hjá starfsmanni erlendra viđskipta sem lögfrćđideild Danske Bank lét hringja til mín í morgun (sjá fćrsluna hér á undan og athugasemd viđ hana).

Veit Seđlabanki Íslands til ţess ađ Danske Bank hafi haft samráđ vegna ţessarar ákvörđunar sinnar?  Gaman vćri ađ vita ţađ. Ég hringdi áđan í Seđlabankann og starfsmađur ţar, sem virtist kunnugur alţjóđlegum viđskiptum, kannađist ekki viđ máliđ.

Er ţetta geđţóttaákvörđun Danske Banks, sápa í Geysir-ökónómíuna á Íslandi?

mbl.is Danske Bank lokar á íslenskar millifćrslur
Tilkynna um óviđeigandi tengingu viđ frétt

Danske Bank lukker for islandske overfřrsler



Danskerne er en oldgammel krćmmernation. Det viste sig udtrykkeligt under Anden Verdenskrig, da man formĺede at fĺ det bedste ud af krigen, mens andre besatte nationer led. Man solgte sine varer til Tyskland. Uden nogen betaling fra tyskerne, takkede Hitlers ynglinge sig selv efter krigen ved at skabe en fiktiv illusion af hvordan de fordrev den under den tyske besćttelse. Der var ingen grćnse for indbildningen. Modstanden mod tyskerne blev overdrevet, endda hjćlpen til jřderne blev overdrevet. Faktisk sendte Danmark jřder i dřden, herunder břrn - Udvisningerne af sageslřse mennesker fandt fřrst og fremmest sted af Nationalřkonomiske grunde.

Det blev ogsĺ givet Nationalřkonomiske grunde, i křlvandet pĺ Muhammed-karikaturkrisen, da Politiets Efterretningstjeneste (PET) for nylig i en latterlig rapport anbefalede nationen at stryge islamister og yderliggĺende muslimer med hĺrene. I en rapport, som tydeligvis er skrevet af en gruppe ĺndelige efterkommere af de danske vćrnemagere, frarĺdes danskerne at bruge bestemte ord for ikke at fornćrme terrorister.  Man vil da nřdigt miste eksporten til bin Ladens krybbe. Danskerne blev ogsĺ rĺdet til ikke at fornćrme nazisterne.

Alle angreb pĺ, og overtagelser af, et stykke dansk jord har danskerne ret sĺ stilfćrdigt fundet sig i - af nationalřkonomiske grunde - bortset fra ét tilfćlde: Almindelige islandske bankkunder anses for at vćre farligere forbrydere end nazisterne, islamisterne, narkobanderne, řstbanderne, de "utilpassede" gadebander, rockerne og de islandske bankfolk etc. tilsammen.

Danske Bank meddeler nemlig sine kunde dette for tiden:  


Overfřrsler til/fra Island.
Danske Bank koncernen udfřrer ikke lćngere betalinger til og fra Island pĺ grund af den nuvćrende řkonomiske situation i Island.

Vi beklager de gener, det giver.  (se https://netbank.danskebank.dk/html/index.html?site=DBNB)

Jeg gĺr ud fra at denne foranstaltning ogsĺ gćlder nationalřkonomiske interesser, den gćngse danske forklaring pĺ irrationelle handlinger.

Mig bekendt er der ikke foretaget sĺdanne drastiske foranstaltninger siden de danske myndigheder og banker fastfrřs og stjal jřdiske flygtninges indestĺende i danske banker, fřr flygtningene blev udvist af Danmark 1940-43. Statsminister Anders Fogh Rasmussen undskyldte for udvisningerne i 2005, da min bog Medaljens Bagside udkom.  Men Danmark vil ikke betale.

Da jeg for nogle ĺr siden kontaktede de danske banker, herunder Nationalbanken, vedrřrende konti tilhřrende udviste jřder, fik jeg vattede og uansvarlige svar.

Forhĺbentlig kan Danske Bank, Finanstilsynet og Finansministeriet i Danmark forklare denne aktion mod bankens kunder der řnsker at varetage interesser i Island. Vi mĺ blot hĺbe hensigten er en anden end da man rullede jřderne under krigen.

The Brown Darling Action

Oh my darling


Is English becoming the blogging language in Iceland? Who knows? Not on this blog, but one controversial blogger in Iceland, Jón Valur Jensson, who usually is the guardian bulldog of extreme Vatican interests on the Icelandic blogosphere, sent a message to the world last night. So, I must make amends, although my English is not Oxford and I will probably insult British grammar like my nationals fucked up the British financial stability.

The Brown-Darling action against the flush down of the IceSave criminals was pathetic, stupid but not unexpected. It is hilarious to see a former Trotskyite activist like Alistair Darling treating Icelandic financial criminals like terrorists, when Britain practically invites Islamist rule into the remains of the Empire.

The Icelandic financial terrorists are pathetic as well. They were treated by most Icelanders as gods. They acted like deity.  Those of us, who new that they were only magicians juggling money they didn't own, are not loosing our minds in the present situation. The Icelandic authorities should have apprehended them, grounded their golden jets and treated them like every other criminal. But no, the Icelandic government is still blaming the surrounding world, or anyone they can blame, except the financial fuckers of Iceland. 

Jón Valur Jensson, the blogger gone English, wrongly blames the British authorities for bringing down Kaupthing.  He is absolutely wrong in his evaluation. The Brown- Darling anti-terror measure against Iceland was not the real reason. Kaupthing was brought down by the executives of Kaupthing, the Icelandic magicians. The sooner Jón and his likeminded realize that, the sooner they will be able to live with the new situation in Iceland. The financial circus is over. The egotistical and ethnocentric era is history, and the 300.000 Icelanders have to realize that they are not better, greater, richer or cleverer than the rest of the world.

The Icelandic President, Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson fancies talking about "The Role of Iceland among the Nations". Iceland has no such role. Grímsson's role as a president is probably also history. This soft spoken silk glove socialist was the most prominent promoter of Icelandic financial gluttony - the ringmaster of the Circus. He must be looking for a new job. His new biography Útrás, athafnir, átök og einkamál (never to be translated) will probably secure steady income for some weeks, if the Icelanders can afford to buy a book which probably doesn't tell the whole story.

However, there is a reason for optimism in the the purgartory. The Icelanders are a lucky nation. They have lots of resources they forgot for a while, when they were counting the money they lent from Japan and Germany. Unfortunately the Icelanders started to believe that the money they borrowed was their own.

If the British authorities think the Icelanders are terrorists, they are stupid as stupid does. Icelanders only had a small role to play among the nations, and were minor players in a global financial system gone bad due to the old flaws in the character of the Human race. "Blame it on someone else".

The picture, by the way, was shot when Alistair Darling was cought illegally catching cod in Icelandic waters few years ago, or so we believe in Iceland.

mbl.is Hryđjuverkalög gegn Landsbanka
Tilkynna um óviđeigandi tengingu viđ frétt

Hórmangarar i Křben safna handa Íslandi

Mega Jackass pĺ Dansk

Ég var ađ enda viđ  ađ sjá hjá Fjólu Ragnars ađ Ekstra Blađiđ hefđi veriđ međ söfnun til handa Íslendingum fyrir framan Magasin du Nord, verslun Jóns Ásgeirs. Ágóđann var fariđ međ í íslenska sendiráđiđ á Christianshavn og ţar sögđu menn bara "takk".

Fallegt af Dönum ađ hugsa svona vel til okkar. Eitt sinn söfnuđu Íslendingar handa stríđshrjáđum Dönum, en fengu litlar ţakkir fyrir. Danir voru allt stríđiđ búnir ađ selja vörur sínar til nasista á hćsta verđi, svo hćgt var ađ fóđra stríđsvélina og ţá sem myrtu gyđinga í útrýmingarbúđum. Lát var hins vegar á greiđslunni fyrir danskan varning handa böđlunum, ţví fínu frćndurnir og ćttingjar Dana í suđri, sem Danir sverja sig frekar í ćtt viđ en hinar Norđurlandaţjóđirnar, borguđu ekki fyrir fleskiđ og smjöriđ.

Men, mange tak Danmark, eđa réttara sagt bestu ţakkir til ráđuneytis hórmangara og mellna á Ekstra Blađinu. 


Jeg har lige lćst pĺ Fjóla Ragnar blog, at Ekstra Bladet har forestĺet en indsamling for Islćndingene uden for Magasin du Nord. Overskuddet gik ubeskĺret til den islandske ambassade pĺ Christianshavn, hvor man sagde pćnt tak.

Det var en smuk gestus hos danskerne, at tćnke sĺ positivt pĺ os. En gang samlede islćndingene ind til de krigsbelastede danskere, men modtog kun en sřlle utak. Under hele krigen solgte danskerne deres produktion til nazisterne, sĺ de kunne holde mordmaskinen gĺende og myrde jřder i udryddelseslejrene. Betalingen for de danske goder lod vente pĺ sig, fordi danskernes fine slćgtninge i syd, som danskerne jo slćgter mere til end de andre nordiske nationer, betalte ikke for flćsket og smřrret.

Men, mange tak Danmark, eller rettere sagt tak til ministeriet for den danske alfonseri- og luderbranche pĺ Ekstra Bladet.

Ísland undir umsjón erlendra sérfrćđinga, annar hluti



Hagfrćđiprófessorinn Robert Wade viđ LSE, kom fram í fréttum sjónvarps í gćr. Hann sagđi nokkurn veginn ađ íslenska ţjóđin hefđi veriđ á efnahagslegu LSD trippi. Sjónvarpiđ kynnti fréttina svona: "Sakar stjórnvöld um óđagot".

Wade sakađi engan um neitt. Hann sagđi bara blákaldan sannleikann og kom međ vinsamlega, en nauđsynlega ábendingu.

Honum lýst ekki, frekar en öđrum, á óđagot íslenskra stjórnvalda og gefur íslenskum eftirlitsstofnunum falleinkunn. Ţađ ćtti ađ vera fólki ljóst ađ íslenskir "bankamenn" eru fallistar, eins nú er í efni komiđ.

Wade stakk á ţví, ađ ráđnir yrđu 10 óháđir sérfrćđingar frá mismunandi löndum til ađ endurskođa. Wade gćti hugsanlega orđiđ einn ţeirra.

Eru menn virkilega svo stoltir og forstokkađir, ađ ţeir sjái ekki í gegnum ofstopafullt sjálfsálit sitt? Íslendingar verđa ađ treysta öđrum og hćtta ađ trúa á íslenska ćvintýramenn og pólitíska skussa.

Á sjóinn međ Lárus Welding og Björgúlf og sendum svo Sigga Einars í sveit. Ţeir verđar örugglega dyggir viđ ţađ ađ draga ţorsk úr sjó og ţurrmjólka beljurnar. Ingibjörg Sólrún getur lokađ sendiráđum og hćtt óráđsíu sinni. Svo gćti hún hćglega fengiđ sér vinnu hjá Íslandspósti. Hćgt vćri ađ virkja rausiđ í Steingrími J. Nokkur megavött af óstöđugri orku fengjust viđ ţađ. Össur gćti orđiđ heillagripur fyrir knattspyrnuliđ eđa einfaldlega kynnst atvinnuleysinu.

Nú ćtti ađ vera búiđ ađ senda seđlabankastjórana heim, án launa, en einn ţeirra er enn ţá ađalskemmtiefniđ í sirkus Kreppu. Davíđ Oddsson var í Kastljósi í gćr. Hvađ eru menn ađ hugsa? Stjórnmálamenn eiga ekki erindi í sćti seđlabankastjóra. Ţađ andlýđrćđislegt.

Menn bíđa svo eftir snuđinu frá Pútín, en sjálfsálitiđ og gorgeirinn er samt svo mikill, ađ ekki er opnađ fyrir ţann möguleika ađ láta óháđa erlenda sérfrćđinga fara yfir reikningana.

Ţađ segir mér, vasahagfrćđingnum, ađ ástandiđ gćti veriđ mun verra en menn vilja viđurkenna.  Ef til vill var ţađ líka ástćđa ţess ađ stjórnvöld afţökkuđu afskipti Alţjóđa Gjaldeyrissjóđsins. Er meira óhreint mjöl í pokahorninu?


útlenskur endurskođandi

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