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Skottulćknirinn eftir Gerrit Dou 1652 

Í Lundúnum var á 17. öld prentađ dagblađ sem kallađist The Athenian Mercury. Ég á eintak af ţessu blađi frá 14. ágúst 1694. Ţetta var uppfrćđandi blađ. Suma daga voru spurningar af ýmsu tagi, trúarlegar og lagalegar, sem lesendur gátu sent ritstjórninni. Ritstjórnin leitađi eftir bestu getu ađ svörum. Blađiđ, sem oftast var einblöđungur, var prentađ af John Dunton "at the Raven in the Poultrey".


Auglýsingar báru náttúrulega ţetta framtak Duntons uppi. Hins vegar var ýmislegt vafasamt oft auglýst, eins og t.d. ţjónusta lćknisins Thomas Kirleus, sem var greinilega hinn versti loddari og bölvađur skottulćknir.  Svona lýsti hann sjálfur ţjónustu sinni:

"In Grays-Inn-Lane in Plow-yard, the third Door, lives Dr. Thomas Kirleus, a Collegiate Physician, and a Sworn Physician in Ordinary to King Charles the Second, until his death; who with a Drink and a Pill (hindring no Business) undertakes a cure any Ulcers, Sores, Swellings in the Nose, Face or other parts; Scabs, Itch, Scurfs, Leprocies, and Venerial Disease, expecting nothing until the Cure be finished: Of the last he hath cured many hundreds in this City, many of them after fluxing which carries the evil from the Lower Parts to the Head, and so destroys many. De Drink is 3 s. The Quart, the Pill 1 s. a Box, with Directions; a better Purger than which was never given, for they cleanse the Body of all Impurities, which are the causes of Dropsies, Gouts, Scurviews, Stone or Gravel, Pains in the Head, and other parts. Take heed whom you trust in Physick, for it's become common Cheat to prosess it. He gives his Opinion to all that write or come, for nothing."

Ţetta var 17. öldin. En er ekki veriđ ađ auglýsa vitagagnlausa ristilsskolun í dag á Íslandi?

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