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Femínisti fjarlćgir mig – and makes my day


Klukkan 7 í morgun ađ íslenskum tíma las ég frétt á Eyjunni um blogg amerísks gestalektors viđ Háskóla Íslands. Hún heitir Jyl J. Josephson (sjá mynd) og er sérfrćđingur í femínisma og kynjafrćđi, sem eru greinar sem ég hef mikiđ gaman af, vegna ţess ađ ţćr eru enn mjög frumstćđar - eđa bara ţeir ţćr sem stunda ţćr.

Davíđ Oddssyni hafđi bođiđ manni ţessarar frćđikonu og syni hennar far hér um daginn svo „Jim og the little guy" gćtu mćtt í kirkju á réttum tíma. Mér ţótti analýsa Jyl Josephson á ţessari vingjarnlegheitum í Davíđ mjög einkennileg, en ţó ekki, ţví vel ţekktir fordómar úr femínistarannsóknum skína í gegnum vangaveltur hennar um Davíđ Oddsson.

Ég gerđi athugasemd á minni hrađensku viđ fćrslu konunnar á blogg hennar kl. 7.23, sem hún fjarlćgđi svo ađ segja ađ vörmu spori.

Hér er ţađ sem ég skrifađi í fljótheitum:

Vilhjálmur Örn Vilhjálmsson said...

There are fortunately still civilized people around in Iceland.

However, Dr. Jyl J. Josephson seems to adapt well and quickly to the views of the ethnocentric elite of the University of Iceland, the leading University in the world in Hypocrisy and Omphallic studies.

Regardless of my personal views on David Oddsson, It was extremely nice of him to give "Jim and the little guy" a ride. Probably it was also dangerous, because he could have been nice to a person from the University of Iceland, who didn't like Davíđ Oddsson and other political figures that helped finance some of the anachronistic stuff, like Gender Studies, which is still being thought at the University of Iceland.

There is absolutely nothing sinister about David Oddsson's social continence, which fanatic feminism or rigid gender studies can pervertize. Probably it's just a case of an extreme difference between Iceland and the USA. In the male dominated, crime ridden USA, some "David" could very well have put Jim and the little guy trough the meat grinder - and then asked if they knew him.

I imagine that Mr. Oddsson invited your husband and son into his car due to the extreme weather conditions in Reykjavík, rather than he likes to see if people are scared of him after he was stigmatized as the main boogieman of the Icelandic financial meltdown. Your son would have frozen to death if he had been on his own last Monday. Nobody dares to give a lift to a child in Iceland anymore.

As for the "nation-centric masculinity ideals" and hegemonic masculinity
(http://www.nikk.no/?module=Articles;action=Article.publicShow;ID=1147) as the cause for the bank collapse in Iceland, I am sorry to say: That is mere crap and bullocks. The very same explanation for the collapse in the US can be applied for Iceland. It was GREED. Women, a majority of whom is not into far-fetched gender studies and fanatic feministic model making, played very well along in the "man dominated" financial meltdown in Iceland. For instance Mrs. Ingibjörg Sólrún Gísladóttir, a former mayor of Reykjavík, former minister of Foreign-affairs etc. Make sure to recognize her when she gives you a lift in Reykjavík and get her fact sheet from another department than the Feminist- and Gender Studies at the University of Iceland, who seem to have adapted the philosophy of their maternal ancestor: Gróa on Leiti.

March 31, 2011 7:23 AM


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1 Smámynd: Hólmgeir Guđmundsson

Ég er ekki hissa á ađ hún skuli hafa eytt athugasemd ţinni, kirkjurćknir femínistar eru mjög smámunasamir ţegar karlhverf klúryrđi eru annars vegar. Á ţađ annars ekki ađ vera "bollocks" ?

En takk fyrir ađ birta fćrsluna hérna.

Hólmgeir Guđmundsson, 31.3.2011 kl. 18:09

2 Smámynd: Ragnhildur Kolka

"No one could have said it better" Konugarmurinn skilur hvorki hugtök eins og gestrisni eđa almennilegheit. Og hún er ekki líkleg til ađ kynnast ţeim í ţeirri samkundu sem hún dregur vitneskju sína úr. Kynjafrćđin er lokađ samfélag sem snýst um sig sjálft líkt og geimskip sem svífur um í himingeimnum og nćr aldrei sambandi viđ neinn utanađkomandi.

Henni hefđi veriđ nćr ađ ţegja um ţennan bíltúr sem fjölskyldumeđlimirnir ţáđu, Hún hefđi ţá ekki orđiđ uppvís af heimsku sinni og látiđ vera ađ opinbera ţau innantómu frćđi sem ţessi sérstaka deild HÍ sérhćfir sig í.

Ragnhildur Kolka, 31.3.2011 kl. 18:26

Bćta viđ athugasemd

Ekki er lengur hćgt ađ skrifa athugasemdir viđ fćrsluna, ţar sem tímamörk á athugasemdir eru liđin.


Vilhjálmur Örn Vilhjálmsson
Vilhjálmur Örn Vilhjálmsson



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