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Subrogare Svavar

Var ekki einhver ađ segja ađ latína hefđi veriđ vanrćkt í íslenska skólakerfinu:

Subrogo (surrogo) -are, to suggest that a person be chosen as substitute for another (used of the magistrate presiding at the comitia; sufficere of the people choosing): in annum proxiumum decemviros alios, Cic.; conlegam in locum Bruti,; with double acc.; sibe Sp. Lucretium conlegam, Cic.

Ekki lćrđi Svavar Gestsson latínu í DDR-Berlín, svo mikiđ er víst. Biđ ég menn um ađ lesa ţađ sem ég sendi yfirmanni samningarnefndar Hollendinga, einnig ţetta, ţetta, ţettaţetta og ţetta. Sumir fá Dabba á heilann, ég hef hins vegar fengiđ Svabba. En ég hef alltaf veriđ á ţeirri skođun ađ gamlir stjórmálamenn séu ekki endurnotanlegir og ađ blađamenn ćttu ekki ađ fara út í stjórnmál.

Johan Barnard tjáđi mér nýlega ţetta álit sitt á Svavari:

I noted your doubts about ambassador Svavar Gestsson. Given your expertise you will understand better than most of us that history can lead to unexpected results and also that one should never judge too early. During the course of the talks on Icesave I had already learned that Svavar Gestsson had studied in East Berlin, more or less in the same years in which Indridi Thorlaksson studied in West Berlin. At one point we shared a few jokes about this. To my impression Svavar Gestsson is a very experienced, intelligent and likeable man, who led the Icelandic negotiation committee in a most commendable way and involved in this all the members of his team who came from all of the important Icelandic ministries and institutions. And obviously the team reported to the Icelandic government, as I reported to my minister.

Legg ég til ađ viđ finnum Surrogate fyrir Svavar og ríkisstjórnina, sem enn virđist ekki hafa leyst upp heiladabbann sem hún fékk.

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1 identicon

Svafar er ekki "subrogate", heldur "surrogate".

Sendur í stađ Nágríms Sk(r)attmanns til ađ leiđa ţjóđina í hlekkjum um árhundruđ.

Óskar Guđmundsson (IP-tala skráđ) 15.7.2009 kl. 11:02

Bćta viđ athugasemd

Ekki er lengur hćgt ađ skrifa athugasemdir viđ fćrsluna, ţar sem tímamörk á athugasemdir eru liđin.


Vilhjálmur Örn Vilhjálmsson
Vilhjálmur Örn Vilhjálmsson



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