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Ólafur Ragnar í haturskór SŢ ??

Líkur benda til ţess ađ Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson sé orđinn ađ samnorrćnni fyrirmynd pólitískar rétthugsunar í augum Ísraelsmanna. Spaugstofa Ísraels, sem margir vinstri menn neita ađ kaupa, skođa, hlusta eđa sjá, hefur gert góđlátlegt grín af hatrinu í garđ Ísraels. Ţar bregđur fyrir manni međ hárgreiđslu og fas sem mjög svipar til Ólafs Ragnars Grímssonar. Dćmiđ sjálf.

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1 Smámynd: Wilhelm Emilsson

Samkvćmt Jerusalem Post, hafđi stofnandi zíonísku spaugstofunnar Latma TV ţetta ađ segja:

“Latma’s mission . . . is to be a cool, fresh, entertaining voice for Zionism, and for the majority of Israelis who are tired of the leftist elite that use all the power at their disposal to put down the public’s values, attack the legitimacy of the country, and of Israel’s national rights. We’re tired of seeing them pillory and weaken public servants who try to advance these values and these rights.”

Stofnandinn bćtti viđ:

“I recognized that the Left’s enduring strength in politics in Israel, despite the public’s utter rejection of its policies and values, owes to its monopolistic control over the media and entertainment industries. To change the face of Israeli politics in a manner that reflects the values and interests of the majority of Israelis, it is necessary to give a voice in the worlds of media and entertainment to the majority.”

Ţessir vinstri menn eyđileggja greinilega allt alls stađar :)

Ef ţetta á ađ vera Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson ţá er greiđslan öfug. Forseti vor greiđir til hćgri og hefur alltaf gert. En er líklegt ađ zíoniskir spaugstofumenn hafi hugmynd um hver Ólaf Ragnar Grímsson? Ég veit ađ hann er legend in his own mind, auđvitađ.

Wilhelm Emilsson, 14.2.2014 kl. 02:18

2 Smámynd: Vilhjálmur Örn Vilhjálmsson

Mjög erfitt er ađ fá öfugar hárkollur međ greiđslur í líkingu viđ greiđslu Ólafs Ragnars, ţađ er ađ segja greitt frá hćgri til vinstri. Ólafur er vel ţekktur í Ísrael. Hann er giftur ísraelskri konu, sem hvert skipti sem hún er í Ísrael masar yfir ţví ađ hún geti ekki keypt humar í hvert mál. Hann er ţví kallađur "Poor Mr. President" eđa "Óli Skans".

Vilhjálmur Örn Vilhjálmsson, 14.2.2014 kl. 06:46

3 Smámynd: Wilhelm Emilsson

Takk fyrir svariđ, Vilhjálmur. Ég hefđi átt ađ skrifa „greitt frá hćgri" auđvitađ, en ţú vissir hvađ ég meinti.

Ţađ er rétt. Viđ megum ekki gleyma Dorrit. Ég ćtla nú ekki ađ hertaka bloggiđ ţitt, en ţetta er kannski tilefni til ađ birti hluta úr frétt úr Hareetz. Ţú ţekkir ţetta áreiđanlega. Greinin er frá 6. ágúst 2013, en atvikiđ sem lýst er er frá 2006:

During a private visit to the land of her birth in 2006, the Icelandic first lady was taken out of line at passport control and denied permission to leave the country after a three-day stay because she did not have an Israeli passport. An immigration officer refused to accept her British passport, noting that Israeli law requires all citizens to arrive and leave the country using an Israeli passport only.

According to the Israeli daily Yedioth Ahronoth, the president’s wife was allowed to leave only after one and a half hours, culminating in a shouting match between Moussaieff and the female border patrol officer.

“This is about to become a serious diplomatic incident,” Moussaieff reportedly said. “This is why everyone hates Jews.”

In an interview afterward with Iceland’s national broadcasting authority, Moussaieff did not deny the comment. “I lost my temper,” she said. “I couldn’t say anything else... At that point, [the immigration officer] didn’t know that I was married to Ólafur. And I said something like: ‘How can you do this to the first lady of another country? I’m not your possession.’”

The immigration officer’s response, according to Moussaieff, was: “I couldn’t care less who you are. I’ve never heard of Iceland, and the people there don’t interest me at all.”

Wilhelm Emilsson, 14.2.2014 kl. 19:28

Bćta viđ athugasemd

Ekki er lengur hćgt ađ skrifa athugasemdir viđ fćrsluna, ţar sem tímamörk á athugasemdir eru liđin.


Vilhjálmur Örn Vilhjálmsson
Vilhjálmur Örn Vilhjálmsson



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