9.10.2008 | 06:57
The Brown Darling Action
Is English becoming the blogging language in Iceland? Who knows? Not on this blog, but one controversial blogger in Iceland, Jón Valur Jensson, who usually is the guardian bulldog of extreme Vatican interests on the Icelandic blogosphere, sent a message to the world last night. So, I must make amends, although my English is not Oxford and I will probably insult British grammar like my nationals fucked up the British financial stability.
The Brown-Darling action against the flush down of the IceSave criminals was pathetic, stupid but not unexpected. It is hilarious to see a former Trotskyite activist like Alistair Darling treating Icelandic financial criminals like terrorists, when Britain practically invites Islamist rule into the remains of the Empire.
The Icelandic financial terrorists are pathetic as well. They were treated by most Icelanders as gods. They acted like deity. Those of us, who new that they were only magicians juggling money they didn't own, are not loosing our minds in the present situation. The Icelandic authorities should have apprehended them, grounded their golden jets and treated them like every other criminal. But no, the Icelandic government is still blaming the surrounding world, or anyone they can blame, except the financial fuckers of Iceland.
Jón Valur Jensson, the blogger gone English, wrongly blames the British authorities for bringing down Kaupthing. He is absolutely wrong in his evaluation. The Brown- Darling anti-terror measure against Iceland was not the real reason. Kaupthing was brought down by the executives of Kaupthing, the Icelandic magicians. The sooner Jón and his likeminded realize that, the sooner they will be able to live with the new situation in Iceland. The financial circus is over. The egotistical and ethnocentric era is history, and the 300.000 Icelanders have to realize that they are not better, greater, richer or cleverer than the rest of the world.
The Icelandic President, Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson fancies talking about "The Role of Iceland among the Nations". Iceland has no such role. Grímsson's role as a president is probably also history. This soft spoken silk glove socialist was the most prominent promoter of Icelandic financial gluttony - the ringmaster of the Circus. He must be looking for a new job. His new biography Útrás, athafnir, átök og einkamál (never to be translated) will probably secure steady income for some weeks, if the Icelanders can afford to buy a book which probably doesn't tell the whole story.
However, there is a reason for optimism in the the purgartory. The Icelanders are a lucky nation. They have lots of resources they forgot for a while, when they were counting the money they lent from Japan and Germany. Unfortunately the Icelanders started to believe that the money they borrowed was their own.
If the British authorities think the Icelanders are terrorists, they are stupid as stupid does. Icelanders only had a small role to play among the nations, and were minor players in a global financial system gone bad due to the old flaws in the character of the Human race. "Blame it on someone else".
The picture, by the way, was shot when Alistair Darling was cought illegally catching cod in Icelandic waters few years ago, or so we believe in Iceland.
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Rebekka, 9.10.2008 kl. 07:54
I commiserate with Jón Valur.
Iceland should have joined EU years ago.
Then this would not have happened.
And if something similar would have happened, then we could rely on help from EU states.
Iceland was too arrogant to join this federation. Thought they were stronger, richer, more beautiful etc. than everything within the EU.
Now they are down the sink.
Heil the Icelandic krona!
Einar (IP-tala skráđ) 9.10.2008 kl. 08:02
The Russians are comming and we are back to trading herring and wool for oil. This is ground zero.
Ragnhildur (IP-tala skráđ) 9.10.2008 kl. 09:27
Thanks, Dr. Vilhjálmur, I am being honoured by your mentioning my rather unimportant lot in all of this. A few reminders are, however, not irrelevant as I read your pleasantly readable article:
With respect and kind regards,
Jón Valur Jensson, 9.10.2008 kl. 10:13
After Sir John's reply, I am awaiting Vigdís Finnbogadóttir's response. It seem to me Icelandic is really a goner in these bad times. We cannot possibly speak such an obsolete language, if we become members of the EU and fill our purses with shinging Euros.
Vilhjálmur Örn Vilhjálmsson, 9.10.2008 kl. 11:26
No Sir am I, Dr. Vilhjálmur, and I beg you: try being not so sarcastic abour out lot; we shall never turn over to EU, as our countryman Gunnar Rögnvaldsson, temporarily located in Denmark like you, could easily teach you, having had the unpleasant experience. Finally, here is my article: The British are dangerously overreacting, but somebody shares the blame.
Jón Valur Jensson, 9.10.2008 kl. 12:14
John Deer - I cannot possibly call you Darling if you are not a Sir - if you had read my blog lately, you would have discovered that Euros don’t give me the tickle and the EU is in my view the worst thing to hit Europe since the Nazi Party. Gunnar Rögnvaldsson Esq. is very well aware of that.Sarcasm and even Irony is probably the best form of surviving the madness in the present situation in Iceland, our beloved country. Medieval kings used court jesters in critical situations, and some of them turned out to be much better advisors in times of trouble than the knights of the round table. Icelanders are too damn serious and pompous in all matter except finance.
Vilhjálmur Örn Vilhjálmsson, 9.10.2008 kl. 12:39
Na, Ihr seid ja richtig gut drauf.
Genau diese robuste Eigentständigkeit, die Jón Valur hier postuliert, ist doch real nichts mehr wert.
Im Moment scheint die ISK gerade so viel wert zu sein wie Spielgeld, und wer derart in Schwierigkeiten steckt wie Island (im Ausland ist es den Leuten ja egal, ob es die Banken oder der ganze Staat ist, der da zusammenbricht) der wird leider nicht mehr ernst genommen, der hat sich nur noch zum Ziel von Mitleid und - schlimmer noch - Hohn, gemacht.
Aber die beliebte Verquickung mit dem Thema EU geht mir nun doch entschieden zu weit:
Zum einen ist die EU gerade eben der historische Beweis, dass die Zusammenarbeit Wohlstand gebracht hat, und wenn die EU im ihrer schlimmen Funktion nur von den Nazis getoppt wurde, dann war das schlimmst Ereignis der isländischen Geschichte wahrscheinlich die Streichung des 'z' aus den offiziellen Rechtschreibung vor bald 40 Jahren. Wenn man Euch so liest, könnte man meinen, Don Quchote sein nicht Spanier sondern Isländer gewesen.
Jens Ruminy, 9.10.2008 kl. 13:30
Was ich schon immer gewunscht habe, eine echtes internationale Blog.
Geehrter Jens, Ich antworte lieber in Jiddisch . Aber heute is Jom Kippur und du hast Glück.
In Island hat man immer Nazis nur mit einem s geschrieben. Wir haben nur einige - Nazis also. In die EU findet man tausenden von Nazis, auch als man keine Krise gehabt habe.
Don Quijote war nicht Isländer, aber Baltazar Kormákur gehört uns.
Vilhjálmur Örn Vilhjálmsson, 9.10.2008 kl. 14:28
Diskutieren wir nochmal in 6-9 Monaten, wenn Island bankrott geworden ist.
Es gibt einfach zu viele Deppen dort, mit denen es sich über eine EU Mitgliedschaft nicht diskutieren lässt. Sie verweisen immer auf "Unabhängigkeit" und "Selbstbestimmung".
Ich kann nicht sehen, dass es den Iren schlecht geht. Sogar den Belgiern gehts besser als den Isländern.
Ich hoffe nur, dass es einigermassen glimpflich ausgeht, was gerade passiert. Aber optimistisch bin ich nicht gerade...
Einar (IP-tala skráđ) 9.10.2008 kl. 17:03
Ett parti kalsonger med gylfen bak, har prĺnglats ut i det brittiska Imperiet av isländska terrorister. Allmänheten varnas!
S.H. (IP-tala skráđ) 9.10.2008 kl. 21:28
Diese Diskussion ist schon eine ganz interessierend geworden. Wir erladen Norweger, Französer, Holländer (aber nicht Icesave-Einhabern) höflichst teilzunehmen; die britische können etwas anderes reden. Bitte erwarte ein spätere Antwort morgen.
Jón Valur Jensson, 10.10.2008 kl. 02:47
Hver andskotinn......
Júlíus Sigurţórsson, 10.10.2008 kl. 04:54
Sorry for your trouble, as they say in my part of the world.
It seems unfair, to me at least, to expect Icelandic taxpayers to meet the colossal debts, financial or moral, incurred by your bankers.
How did your leaders let this happen? (In Ireland, greed and political expediency did the trick: was it the same in Rejkyvik?)
I hope the famed Icelandic spirit carries your people though this mess, though I know it will not be easy.
Fin Keegan (IP-tala skráđ) 11.10.2008 kl. 01:47
Bćta viđ athugasemd [Innskráning]
Ekki er lengur hćgt ađ skrifa athugasemdir viđ fćrsluna, ţar sem tímamörk á athugasemdir eru liđin.