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Dankjewel Professor Eijffinger


Kćru lesendur, ég gat ekki setiđ á mér og skrifađi Dr. Eijffinger, sem er mađur enn stćrri orđa en ég.

Myndin hér ađ ofan er af Sylvester Catharina Willem Eijffinger.


Sylvester Catharina Willem Eijffinger
Tilburg University

Dear Professor Eijffinger
I am appalled and saddened by your unbalanced statement to the Icelandic daily Morgunbladid (1) today. In fact, I see that your statement is at the end of a line of similar statements uttered by you during the past two years. I am forwarding this letter to the central authorities of your University, to let them know what kind of "learned" statements come out of their University. You are seemingly a man of strong words and your advice to the Icelanders to change out the president of the Republic of Iceland is very worrying, taken into account that the statement comes from professor of an University in a member state of the EU, who is also the assistant of the Prime minister of that the Netherlands, Mr. Mark Rutte.

For your information Icelandic presidents are elected for a term of 4 year in national elections. The present president, Professor Dr. Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson has in no way violated the laws which are the fundaments of his office. Your statement can thus only been seen as an unbalanced reaction, not appropriate to your status in academia. I recommend everyone to read Dr. Grímssons statement of April 10, 2011. (2)

I have advised my countrymen to learn from the history of the Dutch. From your Tulipomania in the 17th century, as well as from the quite recent fight which the remaining Jewish population in the Netherlands had to fight for over 50 years, to retrieve the assets belonging to Dutch Jews who were killed in the Shoah. It took the Dutch authorities, in fact the ministry of Finance, which administrated much of the stolen assets of Jews, over 50 year to return them to the rightful owners or appropriate foundations. Fifty years it took the Dutch to return stolen assets, while the same authority, who created such a long and beneficial repayment scheme for itself, is demanding from the general public in Iceland that they return the looting of financial criminals, who were allowed to play in the Netherlands by rules and theories, which your University taught by. The collaboration between criminal bankers and Dutch savers didn't kill 100.000 investors, and still the Icelanders are not supposed to benefit from the wonderful crisis management policy which the Dutch authorities applied for themselves after WWII. Imagine what had happened if several generations of Dutch had been made accountable for the atrocities of the few.

When you know contemporary Dutch history, the "reputatieverlies" [Dutch for loss of reputation] of the Icelanders, you have spoken about in public, will be minute compared to the Dutch loss of reputation with assets stolen from the Jewish citizens of the Netherlands.

Most Icelanders do not wish to join the EU for apparent reasons. The EU-house is crumpling apart and from my personal point of view, I find the evermore apparent eradication of Dutch nationality in favour of a Pan-EU identity quite depressing to witness. Thus, your announced efforts to prevent that Iceland joins your exclusive club is a welcomed move for all of us who are against an Icelandic EU membership, against an Icelandic star in a circle, which would merely proof to be the final spike in the coffin of the Icelandic state and its sovereignty. For that you receive a big Dankjewel from me and most likely from more than 60% of my fellow countrymen

With best wishes,

Dr. Vilhjálmur Örn Vilhjálmsson

(1) http://www.mbl.is/frettir/innlent/2011/04/11/hota_ad_standa_i_vegi_adildar_ad_esb/
(2) http://forseti.is/media/PDF/2011_04_10_Statement1.pdf

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Mr H.M.C.M. van Oorschot (1952), president of the Executive Board, Tilburg University
Professor dr. Philip Eijlander (1957), Rector
Professor dr. Frans de Roon, CenterER

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1 identicon

Gott hjá ţér ađ svara ţessu. Eiginlega hefđi ţurft ađ senda afrit á fjölmiđla í Hollandi: opinber niđurlćging er sjálfsagt besta leiđin til ađ lćkka rostann í svona mannkerti. Endilega deildu svarinu međ okkur ţegar (og ef) ţađ kemur.

Birgir (IP-tala skráđ) 11.4.2011 kl. 10:44

2 Smámynd: Margrét Elín Arnarsdóttir


Margrét Elín Arnarsdóttir, 11.4.2011 kl. 12:05

3 Smámynd: Eyţór Örn Óskarsson

Flott hjá ţér..........;)

Eyţór Örn Óskarsson, 11.4.2011 kl. 12:24

4 Smámynd: Jón Steinar Ragnarsson

Er ţetta Hollenska útgáfan af Ţórólfi Matt?

Jón Steinar Ragnarsson, 11.4.2011 kl. 15:31

Bćta viđ athugasemd

Ekki er lengur hćgt ađ skrifa athugasemdir viđ fćrsluna, ţar sem tímamörk á athugasemdir eru liđin.


Vilhjálmur Örn Vilhjálmsson
Vilhjálmur Örn Vilhjálmsson



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